Labor Lens: Work and Society

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The Labor Lens: Work and Society collection includes the following titles:

15M: Excellent. A Wake-Up Call. Important.

15M: Excelente. Revulsivo. Importante.
Documentary, Experimental Spain
Tens of thousands of citizens occupied streets and squares in Spain, marking the beginning of the biggest social change in Spanish society. This planted the seed for Occupy Wall Street in the USA.

50 (Or Two Whales Meet at the Beach)

50 O dos ballenas se encuentran en la playa
Drama, Fiction Mexico
Félix and Elisa, both 17, meet while playing the Blue Whale Game, fall in love, and decide to face the game’s final challenge together: Suicide.

7 Boxes

7 cajas
Fiction Paraguay, Spain
Reminiscent of Slumdog Millionare, 7 Boxes follows Víctor as he is offered a chance to deliver 7 boxes with unknown contents in exchange for a quick USD $100, getting himself caught up in a crime he knows nothing about.

7 Reasons to Run Away (from Society)

7 Raons per Fugir (de la Societat)
Comedy, Fiction Spain
Seven darkly humorous stories whose protagonists are downright detestable. Seven characteristics that make us unbearable. Seven reasons it’s best to avoid people altogether. Seven surrealist visions of a dysfunctional society.

A Bruddah's Mind

Cabeça de nêgo
Drama, Fiction Brazil
A reminder of the importance of activism, political engagement, and the sacrifices that come with it, A Bruddah’s Mind follows Saulo, a black introvert student and fan of the Black Panther Movement, as he challenges his school in the largely white city of Fortaleza.

A Decent Woman

Los decentes
Drama, Fiction Austria, Korea (South), Argentina
A housemaid in a gated community on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, embarks on a journey of sexual and mental liberation in a nudist swinger club bordering the high security walls.

A Faraway House

Una casa lejos
Fiction, Drama Argentina
Graciela finds out that her father has a strange friendship with a homeless girl, and in the attempt to separate them she’ll find out that a different life is possible.

A Moonless Night

Una noche sin luna
Comedy, Drama, Fiction Argentina, Uruguay
Up-and-coming Uruguayan director Germán Tejeira creates a moving, poignant, and witty character study in his first feature film.

A Philosopher in the Arena

Un filósofo en la arena
Documentary Mexico, Spain
French philosopher Francis Wolff journeys through France, Spain, and Mexico, reflecting on bullfighting, life, mortality, and fading traditions.

A Useful Life

La vida útil
Drama, Fiction Uruguay, Spain
An art film enthusiast fears that decrease in attendance will force the Uruguayan Cinematheque to close. To save it, Jorge enters a new world and is exposed to an unknown passion. A modern classic film.

A World for Julius

Un mundo para Julius
Drama, Fiction Peru
Little by little, Julius loses his innocence as he discovers, but never understands, a home and a world full of inequalities and injustices.

About Everything There Is to Know

De todas las cosas que se han de saber
Documentary Peru
Following the legacy of literary icon César Vallejo, the film explores the tensions between oral and written tradition, avant-garde literature, and popular culture.

Agave: The Spirit of a Nation

Documentary United States
An expressive documentary capturing the spirit of a nation and the people trying to protect it.


Drama, Fiction Ecuador, Mexico, Greece
A coming-of-age film that is both heart-rending and unsentimental, the film follows Alba as family and social circumstances force her to pave her way into adolescence.


Drama, Comedy, Fiction Spain
Renowned Mexican actress Cecilia Suárez stars in a story of reconciliation set in Melilla, an autonomous, Spanish city on Africa’s north coast where Jews, Muslims, and Christians come together.

Amazon Mirror

O Reflexo do Lago
Documentary Brazil
During the 1980s, Brazil's military dictatorship erected a massive Amazon dam, leaving residents without electricity for 40 years. A film crew explores the decision to stay.

Andrés Reads and Writes

Andrés lee i escribe
Drama, Fiction, Romance Chile
Andrés Centeno, a young factory worker, realizes that although he has lost its way and forgotten his teenage dreams, it’s still not to late.

At the Gates of Hell, Ep. 04 - On the Right Side of the Wall - Lima, Peru

Al otro lado del muro - Lima, Perú
Documentary, Series Spain
A 10-kilometer wall in Lima separates the richest neighborhood in the city from the poorest. For some it is known as the 'wall of shame,' and for others it is essential to security.


La hembrita
Drama, Fiction Dominican Republic
A high-class woman has one of her maid's granddaughters under her care. She must decide between giving the girl back or keeping her in the family.

Bad Hombres

Documentary The Netherlands
Journalist Stef Biemans travels between Guatemala and the U.S. during the first months of the Trump Administration, to see what the so-called ‘bad hombres’ hope to find in the U.S.

Bad Influence

Mala junta
Fiction, Drama Chile
A reflection of the ongoing Mapuche conflict and social prejudices portrayed through the friendship and solidarity of two teenagers.

Bad Steps, Ep. 01 - BMX Dirt Jump, Parkour & BMX

BMX Dirt Jump, Parkour y BMX
Documentary, Series Chile, Colombia, Argentina
Three athletes who are driven by their passion expose how their chosen sports have changed their lives.

Bad Steps, Ep. 02 - Female Stereotypes

Estereotipos femeninos
Documentary, Series Argentina
The stories of Mimi and Greisy expose how difficult and almost impossible it is to have sports careers as women, but stand as an example of how sacrifice makes labels unimportant.

Bad Steps, Ep. 03 - Limitless Sports

Deportes sin límites
Documentary, Series Argentina
Two BMX athletes with disabilities show how nothing is more inspiring than seeing others overcome adversity, and their talents take them to places where nothing is impossible.

Beef Lovers, Ep. 01 - Take Care of My Cows

Cuida de mis vacas
Documentary, Series Spain
The love and passion of farmers for their animals until the last day, the toughest of all.

Beef Lovers, Ep. 02 - Coming Out Of The Cavern

Saliendo de la caverna
Documentary, Series Spain
A journey to the beginnings of humanity, the importance of meat in our evolution, the invention of fire and cooking.

Beef Lovers, Ep. 03 - The End Of The World

El fin del mundo
Documentary, Series Spain
Is beef farming the cause of the end of our days? Climate change researchers, farmers, and veterinarians present an almost unknown perspective.

Beef Lovers, Ep. 04 - Animals

Documentary, Series Spain
"They say there are no former rugby players, that you are always a rugby player."

Beef Lovers, Ep. 05 - Let Your Palate Speak

Deja que hable tu paladar
Documentary, Series Spain
We will discover that there is life beyond the T-bone steak with Michelin-starred chefs and a group of cyclists who are experts in lunches.

Before a Rooster Crows

Antes que cante el gallo
Drama, Fiction Puerto Rico
Carmín is a teenager who lives in Barranquitas, a mountainous village in the center of Puerto Rico, with her tough and conservative grandmother. She dreams of moving to the city with a mother whose planes do not include her.

Between the Americas, Ep. 01: Listening to San Blas

Documentary, Series The Netherlands
The San Blas Islands house Kuna people facing the realities of climate change. Stef Biemans captures their culture's fading sounds amid rising seas.

Between the Americas, Ep. 02: Panama’s Echo

Documentary, Series The Netherlands
Panama's thriving economy fuels vertical growth. Biemans explores the vibrant neighborhood beneath, uncovering changes for ordinary Panamanians.

Between the Americas, Ep. 03: The Silence of Guatemala

Documentary, Series The Netherlands
The Maya people's 40-year silence on the Guatemalan genocide under General Ríos Montt. Will there be a moment to finally break this silence?

Black Bread

Pa negre
Drama, Fiction, Thriller Spain
The Spanish selection for the 89th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Film, Black Bread is set in the war-ravaged Catalan countryside of the early 1940s where a local man is accused of murder and his son sets out to find the truth.

Blooming on the Asphalt

Germinio pétalas no asfalto
Documentary Brazil
A vibrant and inspiring documentary that captures the resilience and strength of queer Brazilian youth.

Boca Chica

Drama, Fiction Dominican Republic
An example of the brilliance of the new wave of Dominican cinema, Boca Chica exposes how local social norms present the sexualization of young girls as a path to survival.


Fiction, Drama Paraguay, Mexico
Benjamin is having trouble adjusting to barbed wire work. Left by The Boss in a desolate spot, he and other workers feel that the Paraguayan Chaco is getting strange and tiring.

Brazil: A Time to Build

Brasil, país do presente?
Documentary Brazil
How is the new generation of Brazilians feeling about the conflicting situation of the country? Diplomat, writer, and filmmaker Gustavo Westmann brings to the screen a renewed type of debate on Brazil in the 21st century.

Brickmakers (Chircales)

Documentary, Classic Colombia
An essential and highly influential classic, Chircales is the product of two of the most prominent and rebellious voices of the New Latin American Cinema: Marta Rodríguez and Jorge Silva.

Burning Night

Breve miragem de sol
Drama, Fiction Brazil, France, Argentina
Along with the lonely cab driver Paulo, the night and Rio de Janeiro are the main protagonists of the new film by Eryk Rocha (awarded at Cannes'16 for Cinema Novo).

Bécquer and the Witches

Bécquer y las brujas
Documentary Spain
An exploration of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer's "Letters from My Cell" and the witchcraft legends of Trasmoz, blending history, mysticism, and poetry.

Cacu: A Change for Life

Cacú: un cambio por la vida
Documentary Dominican Republic
With electrifying images, Cacu: A Change for Life follows five fishermen from Manresa, a poor neighborhood to the West of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, as they learn from marine biologist Omar Shamir Reynoso's one-of-a-kind plan to protect nesting sea turtles.


Comedy, Drama, Fiction Spain
In a summer mansion in the Costa Brava, a young domestic worker has to serve two rich kids while they enjoy their summer.

Calls from Moscow

Llamadas desde Moscú
Documentary Cuba, Germany, Norway
An apartment in Moscow becomes the stage for one day in the lives of four queer Cuban exiles, shortly before Putin’s invasion of Ukraine changes everything.

Can Gardell

Drama, Fiction Spain
A legal change in land rights gives the Gardell family no choice but to turn their farm into a Bed & Breakfast, where they patiently await guests.


Fiction, Drama Dominican Republic, Argentina
Sara and her nanny Yarisa have a relationship that transcends class and race: they are close to a daughter-mother; but an accident will test their intimate loyalty.

Carretera Cartonera: Discover the World of Cartonera Publishers

Carretera cartonera
Documentary Italy
Carretera Cartonera travel across Latin America to understand Cartonera book production. What they find is a diverse and vast array of citizens and cooperatives committed to using literary production as a means of fighting for social justice, economic equality, and a more sustainable world.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
Joao divides his time working as a crossdresser in gay bars and acting in small plays and onscreen. Tormented by his past, he starts to merge reality with the fiction he interprets.

Cerro Rico Tierra Rica

Cerro rico, tierra rica
Documentary Bolivia, Colombia, United States
The rituals of two mining communities are observed in this striking and unsparing portrait of life and work in Bolivia's altiplano. A strong denunciation of the hardships and alienation inherent in mining work while underscoring its impact on the native population.

Chronicle of the End of the World

Crónica del fin del mundo
Drama, Fiction Colombia
Disenchanted and skeptical about the world, a retired professor shut into his appartment for 20 years whittles away his days by systematically insulting and complaining over the phone to all who have ever offended him in the past.

City of God - Ten Years Later

Cidade de deus -10 anos depois
Documentary Brazil
An investigation into the fate of the young actors who participated in the award winning film City of God, directed by Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund, featuring actress Alice Braga (Queen of the South) and musician and actor Seu Jorge, among others.

City of the Dead

Ciudad de los muertos
Documentary Spain
By exploring the interactions of a group of cementery workers, we not only discover the unknown world of death, but also the personal stories of its inhabitants.

Courtroom 3H

Documentary Spain, United States
Shot in a single courtroom over the course of a month, the film takes viewers inside Florida’s Tallahassee Unified Family Court, which specializes in judicial cases involving minors. Cases of abuse, abandonment, and negligence are presided over with the express objective, under the law, to reunite families as quickly and safely as possible.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
Bianca manages a precarious living as a talented but underemployed actress troubled by the belief that she has missed her big break. But an audition leads to a rare opportunity.

Crossing the Andes, Ep. 01 - The Man-Eating Mountain

La montaña come-hombres
Documentary, Series The Netherlands
So much silver has been extracted from Potosí, you could use it to build a bridge to Spain. But on average, miners only make it to the age of 45. Do you live your life differently, knowing that?

Crossing the Andes, Ep. 02 - The Skyscraper of Santiago

El rascacielos de Santiago
Documentary, Series The Netherlands
In the Chilean capital of Santiago, Stef Biemans visits South America’s highest skyscraper. It was built as a symbol of progress, but now the tower represents the dark side to that success story.

Crossing the Andes, Ep. 03 - Technological Paradise

Paraíso tecnológico
Documentary, Series The Netherlands
Stef Biemans travels to Argentina’s southernmost tip, and discovers an impressive electronics industry among the penguins. What is this growth doing to the mountains surrounding the town?

Crossing the Andes, Ep. 06 - The Mother of Colombia

La madre de Colombia
Documentary, Series The Netherlands
Stef Biemans journeys down one of Colombia’s main waterways: the Magdalena River. With new roads and bridges being constructed, what will progress destroy?

César's Grill

Grill de César, El
Documentary, Comedy Germany, Switzerland
To save his estranged father's restaurant, vegetarian Darío Aguirre returns to Ecuador, reluctantly helping rescue the failing carnivorous business.

Delicate Balance

Frágil equilibrio
Documentary Chile, Mexico, Spain, Uruguay, Japan
Centered around an extensive interview with Jose “Pepe” Mujica, the former President of Uruguay who gained notoriety on the world stage as a rare politician: one that lives according to the ideas and principles he preaches, Delicate Balance is a contemplative essay on the everyday reality of globalization.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 01 - Brazil: Stronger Together

Brazil: Stronger Together
Documentary, Series France
In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, transporters wait to cross the most difficult passages, sometimes surfing in the mud with their enormous vehicle.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 02 - Peru: Vertigo in the Andes

Peru: Vertigo in the Andes
Documentary, Series France
Incan gods warned the population against the dangerous paths of the Andes. In spite of the risks, Peruvian drivers are travelling through this deadly mountain range on a weekly basis.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 03 - Nicaragua: In the Name of the Law

Nicaragua: Au nom de la loi
Documentary, Series France
On the Caribbean with the Miskito fishermen, you see a spark in people's eyes. A spark that must be kept quiet to avoid a dynamite explosion, which could blow up an entire village.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 04 - Guatemala: Land of the Maya

Guatemala: En terre Maya
Documentary, Series France
Faced with rising crime and the inadequacy of the under-equipped police force, being a bus driver in Guatemala is one of the country's most perilous professions.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 05 - Cuba: Viva la Vida

Cuba: Viva la vida
Documentary, Series France
In Cuba, no matter the obstacles, people keep smiling and moving forward.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 06 - Paraguay: The Unconquerable of the Chaco

Paraguay: Les invincibles du Chaco
Documentary, Series France
Despite the inhospitable climate of the Chaco, in Paraguay, strange colonies of men and women settle there. The jungle disappears under their hands, giving way to immense fields.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 07 - Brazil: Dust and Fire

Brésil: De poussière et de feu
Documentary, Series France
Chica delivers a precious good that cannot wait in Brazil: materials to build a football field. Evandro transports children and workers aboard an antediluvian pick-up truck.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 08 - Bolivia: The Yungas in The Clouds

Bolivie: Les yungas au-dela des naugest
Documentary, Series France
A highway winds through these valleys, serving as the sole communication route between La Paz, Bolivia's administrative capital on the Altiplano, and the wealth of the Amazon basin.

Drowning Letters

Cartas mojadas
Documentary Spain
An urgent and necessary film to understand one of the most tragic chapters in contemporary history; the migratory crisis taking place across the Mediterranean Sea in search for European shores.

El Amparo

El amparo
Drama, Fiction, Thriller Colombia, Venezuela
In the Venezuelan town of El Amparo, near the border with Colombia, a group of fishermen sets off down the Aruca River. But only two men return, their friends shot down by the military, who claim they were clandestine guerrillas on a mission.


Drama Colombia
Elena finds a wounded paramilitary soldier and decides to help him. While recuperating, he confesses that his unit recently killed her son.

Elsa and Her Dancers

Elsa y su ballet
Documentary Argentina
At 87, Elsa Agras directs ballet, doing almost everything (choreography, costumes, and lighting) in rehearsals that go on for months searching for perfection, and for passion.


Drama, Fiction Mexico
A sudden event will draw an unexpected path between Arcelia, an elderly lady, and the young Julian.

Enough with Catcalling

Chega de fiu fiu
Documentary Brazil
While the #MeToo Movement united sexual harassment victims throughout the world, this crucial documentary explores the public space as a place of violence for women—especially sexual harassment. It analyzes how feminist campaigns have changed power relationships between men and women in the streets of Brazil.

Estación catorce

Drama, Fiction, Adventure Mexico, Uruguay
Over the course of just a few days, Luis discovers the world at the age of 7. Violence touches his environment and triggers the first encounter with death, the discovery of his father's fragility and the learning of masculinity in his vulnerable world.

Eternal Amazon

Amazônia eterna
Documentary Brazil
A critical analysis of how the world’s largest tropical rainforest is understood and utilized. The film asks whether it is possible for humans to make sustainable use the Amazon by featuring nine successful projects that directly benefit the local population and foster good economic partnerships.

Exploitation Hotel: The Kellys

Hotel Explotación: Las Kellys
Documentary Spain
An analysis of the hotel employment crisis on the Baleric Islands, where chambermaids are paid less than 2 euros to clean a room.

Exploiting Eden, Île-à-Vache

Explotando el edén, Île-à-Vache
Documentary Haiti, Spain
The Haitian government makes a tourist destination out of the unspoiled beach of Île-à-Vache. Great for prosperity. A nightmare for local islanders.

Faith and Fury

Fé e fúria
Documentary Brazil
Focusing on evangelical drug dealers in Brazilian slums, the film depicts the rise and power of the evangelical faith and its power in Brazil today.


Drama, Fiction Spain, United States
Four teenagers proud of their Moroccan-Spanish background will see their self-confidence and friendship tested on the 18th birthday of one of them.

Fat, Bald, and Short Man

Gordo, calvo y bajito
Fiction, Drama, Comedy, Animation Colombia
Antonio believed his failures were due to his looks: he is bald, short, and fat. When a fatter, balder, and shorter but successful notary joins the office, he has to face his fears.

Fidel, Brave Child

Fidel, niño valente
Documentary Argentina, Paraguay
A Paraguayan migrant, Fidel rides a horse deep in the Argentine jungle. Wearing Maradona’s iconic number 10 jersey, he sets out on a quest to earn money and support his mother.

Fidelandia: Behind the Curtain of Cuba's Revolution

Documentary Cuba, United States
Fidelandia takes a look at the country’s culture post Fidel’s fifty-year reign, exploring how the youth deals with the influence of Western culture impacting the country by way of tourism, the use of illegal Internet, and television.


Drama, Fiction Spain, Mexico
In Oaxaca, Finlandia explores the lives of Muxes, a Zapotec third-gender community, weaving themes of identity, resilience, and cultural authenticity.

First Born

Primero de la familia
Drama, Fiction, Comedy Chile
Tomás, about to leave for school in Europe, faces a flooded house in Chile, exposing the true dynamics of his family in a smelly ordeal.

Foreign Soldier

Soldado estrangeiro
Documentary Brazil
A war documentary in which cameras and weapons merge to talk about young Brazilians so eager for war that they leave their now peaceful country to find it.

Freedom Is a Big Word: After Guantanamo

La libertad es una palabra grande
Documentary Uruguay
After 13 years in Guantánamo, Muhammad starts a new life in Uruguay. He’ll get a home and welfare for two years, then be on his own.

From the Land to Your Table

¿Qué culpa tiene el tomate?
Documentary, Experimental Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Spain, Venezuela
From the Land to Your Table shows the perspectives of seven Ibero-American filmmakers as they capture the conditions and cultural diversity of popular produce markets in their individual countries.


Drama, Classic, Fiction Colombia
Genaro delivers the bodies of paramilitaries killed in combat to their families. He's left cold, until he is tasked with finding a particular corpse.


Documentary Argentina
When a bread stick company is abandoned by its owners due to bankruptcy, its sixteen workers make up their minds to occupy, live, and resist to save the company.

Guido Models

Documentary Argentina
Guido Fuentes runs a modeling agency out of one of Buenos Aires biggest slums. His dream is to achieve social integration in the world of fashion. With Sonia and Delia, his two more promising models, he embarks on a journey to realize his dream and change society’s perception.

Guie'dani's Navel

El Ombligo de Guie'dani (XQUIPI' GUIE'DANI)
Drama, Fiction Mexico
A striking contrast to Alfonso Cuarón's Roma, Guie’dani’s Navel is a unique coming-of-age narrative exploring the racism inflicted on indigenous people in Mexico and the empowerment of a new generation that refuses to accept it silently.

I Am the People: Venezuela Under Populism

El pueblo soy yo: Venezuela en populismo
Documentary Mexico, Venezuela
In a world increasingly less transparent, where the shortcut of populism lurks to endanger democracies, I Am The People: Venezuela Under Populism compels us to ask ourselves if any society, however stable, can be considered invulnerable to a populist irruption and its consequences. Populism isn’t an ideology. It’s a way of governing.

I Girl

Yo niña
Drama, Fiction Argentina
Based on the director’s autobiographical experiences, I Girl follows Armonía, a little girl who lives in the desolated landscapes of Argentina’s south with her hippie parents.

I Travel Because I Have to I Come Back Because I Love You

Viajo porque preciso, volto porque te amo
Documentary, Experimental, Romance, Fiction Brazil
In this award-winning and hauntingly melancholic film, geologist José Renato travels to Sertão, an isolated region in Northeastern Brazil, to assess possible routes for a canal. For many, the canal will be a source of hope, but for those living on its direct course it only means requisitions, departure, and loss.

I am from Chile

I Am From Chile
Comedy, Drama, Fiction Chile
A coming of age story, I Am From Chile draws from the director’s personal experiences to tell a different kind of immigration story.

I, Prisoner, Ep. 05 - Work in Prison

Documentary, Series Brazil
Is inmates’ work while in prison of any use on the outside, after the sentence has been served? Or is it just to help pass the time inside?

I, Prisoner, Ep. 08 - After Prison

Eu, um expreso
Documentary, Series Brazil
What does it mean to be an ex-convict? How much is the resume of a person who has left the prison system worth? We delve into the lives of three people after prison.

Illicit Trade, Ep. 01 - Fossils

Documentary, Series Chile
The most complete fossil bird in the world was found in Germany. It’s six meters wide and was trafficked from Caldera, a town in Chile that survived the fishing crisis by the sale of fossils.

Illicit Trade, Ep. 02 - Chinchorro Mummies

Documentary, Series Chile
When a city is built on top of a cemetery, children play with skulls, and their parents become tomb robbers. For decades, Arica has been the center of self-taught archaeologists and foreign buyers.

Illicit Trade, Ep. 03 - Vicuña

Documentary, Series Chile
Vicuña wool is the most expensive animal fiber in the world. The Aymara community sits at 5,000 meters above sea level, and considers them sacred animals, trying to manage them in a sustainable way.

Illicit Trade, Ep. 04 - Meteorites

Documentary, Series Chile
In Chile, the search and sale of meteorites is unregulated. When the first specimen from Mars is discovered, it is taken to France in search of the highest bidder.

Illicit Trade, Ep. 05 - Alerce

Documentary, Series Chile
A container of reddish wood was found in the port of San Francisco— Alerce, one of the most protected species on Earth. It could only come from Chile, where logging has brought it near extinction.

Illicit Trade, Ep. 06 - Oriflama

Documentary, Series Chile
It is estimated that there are about two thousand shipwrecks on the coasts of Chile. This is the story of a battle for the treasures of one of them.

In Havana

Documentary The Netherlands
Three kids in Havana introduce their friends and family, showcasing wildly different lifestyles. We learn their beliefs, dreams, and hopes.

In a Foreign Land

En tierra extraña
Documentary Spain
The film portrays the experience of intra-European exile tackled by Spain’s highest-profile female director, Icíar Bollaín (Even the Rain, Take My Eyes).


Drama Brazil
Joana wants her period. Dudu wants his father. Verbena, who nobody invited, doesn't disclose what she wants.

Inner Borderlines

Visions of America Through the Eyes of Alejandro Morales
Documentary Spain
In a trip around Southern California, Alejandro Morales, a pioneer of Chicano culture, presents a unique vision of America, as he explores a variety of topics that concern the Chicano/Latino community.

It's All Good

Está todo bien
Documentary Germany, Venezuela
As the health system collapses, Venezuelans experience severe medicine shortages and have to cope with the country’s brutal reality.


Drama, Fiction Spain
An intimate late-African portrait of Danish colonist Karen Blixen, author of "Out of Africa".


Documentary Brazil, Uganda
It’s the first time Brazilian Joana visits her friend Kevin in Uganda after a 20-year friendship as students. A film about friendship between two women — different, and the same.


Drama, Romance, Fiction Ecuador
The first feature in Kichwa, the indigenous language of Amazonian Ecuador, following a photojournalist who becomes entangled in government corruption.

La Soledad

La soledad
Drama, Fiction Venezuela, Canada, Italy
Handyman José lives with his family in La Soledad, a ramshackle villa located in what was once among Caracas’ most affluent neighborhoods. Might a fabled treasure supposedly hidden in La Soledad’s walls offer José’s family a chance at a better life?


Documentary United States
A journey of healing and resilience, delving into the power of reconnection and overcoming the lingering effects of mother-child separation at the border.


Documentary Brazil
An insight into every day life of Brazilian Landless Workers Movement's, divided between tilling the land, political activism, and talk of what a better future might look like.

Leading Actor

El actor principal
Drama, Fiction Mexico, Argentina
Luis, an amateur actor, forgoes his movie premiere at a renowned festival to be with Azra, a chambermaid from Albania with an enigmatic scar.

Liquid Truth

Aos teus olhos
Drama, Fiction Brazil
An incisive look at the dangers of selfies and social media culture and how they can be used (or misused) to expose and taint a person’s character.

Long Way Home

Drama, Fiction Brazil
After moving to the town of Contagem in Brazil for a new job, Juliana waits for her husband to join her. As she waits for him, she tries to adapt to her new life while trying to overcome her past.

Los Hongos

Fiction, Drama Colombia
During the day, street artists RAS and Calvin band together with other graffiti artists to paint a tribute to student demonstrators.

Los Lobos

Los lobos
Drama, Fiction Mexico
An absorbing coming-of-age story about migrant life through the prism of its most innocent figures: children.

Love & Mathematics

Amor y matemáticas
Comedy, Drama, Romance, Fiction Mexico
Having known fame and recognition, former boy band star Billy now lives a dull life until Monica encourages him to resume his artistic career.

Low Season

En temporada baja
Fiction, Comedy Spain
The lives of four men seem to be going through a low season. Due to harsh financial reasons they are forced to live at a campsite.


Drama, Fiction Spain
Following his father's death, Lucas accepts a shady deal: cash in exchange for photos for fake social media accounts to "talk" to underage girls.


Documentary Germany
Courageous female wrestlers defy societal norms and machismo, redefining the image of women in Mexico. Their strength in the ring thus mirrors their daily fight for gender equality.

Man of the Crowd

O homem das multidões
Drama, Fiction Brazil
A Brazilian take on contemporary alienation, loosely based on the Edgar Allan Poe story published in 1840.


Drama, Fiction Argentina, Mexico
A Latin American nanny finds an unlikely connection with the defiant two year old she's hired to look after when faced with an impossible decision.


Documentary Brazil
Filmed over the course of 40 years, indigenous expert and filmmaker Vincent Carelli seeks out the origins of the Guaraní Kaiowá genocide. A conflict of disproportionate forces: the peaceful and obstinate insurgency of the dispossessed Guaraní Kaiowá against the powerful apparatus of agribusiness.


Fiction, Drama Colombia, France
Mateo agrees to infiltrate a local theatre group to reveal its members’ political activities. Enthralled with the troupe's lifestyle, he's under pressure to incriminate the actors.


Drama, Fiction Spain
Faced with the challenges of her daily routine, Ramona begins to see the glimmer of a new possibility – the chance to live for herself, for once.


Fiction Spain
Four desperately bored retired men yearn for excitement to make them feel alive. With nothing to lose, they embark on a mad, wild adventure resulting in a bizarre museum robbery.

Miguelito: A Song to Puerto Rico

Miguelito: canto a Borinquen
Documentary, Musical Colombia, Australia, Puerto Rico
Reminiscent of Searching for Sugar Man, the filmmaker follows the steps of Puerto Rico's child music sensation Miguelito. Featuring incredible archival footage of NYC in the 70s’ and salsa performances from Papo Lucca’s La Sonora Poncena, Malo Malo and many others, this is a film that celebrates the musical and cultural depth of the Caribbean.


Fiction, Drama Colombia
Five children living in the sewers roam the streets trying to escape a system that sets their homes on fire. Tragedy, tenderness, and fantasy are closely intertwined.

Money Exchange

Cambio, cambio
Drama, Thriller, Fiction Argentina
Newsreel footage about Argentina’s spiraling inflation since 2019 sets the stage for this economic thriller where Pablo is forced to sell dollars on the black market.

Monumental History of Modern-Day Spain

Documentary, Experimental Spain
Some long steps towards today.


Documentary Spain
In 2009, the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona organized an exhibition that brought together a group of contemporary mural artists from very different cultural and stylistic backgrounds. The documentary follows the artists as they work and discuss the use of an empty wall as a canvas and expressive medium.

Neighborhood Cinemas

Cines de video
Documentary Peru
Elder Peruvian cinema workers screen a movie in which they are the protagonists, sharing intimate tales from their past in old theaters.

Nobody's Watching

Nadie nos mira
Drama, Fiction Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, United States
A fresh and unexpected take on the immigrant tale, where the journey is not to get a green card but confronting the true reasons for leaving home and redefining one’s identity in one’s own terms.

Of Memory and Debris

De memoria y escombros
Documentary Venezuela, Canada, France
The story of an unseen generation — the grandparents left behind in Venezuela by the largest exodus in Latin America's recent history.

Off the Road

Fuera del camino
Documentary, Musical Mexico, United States
Each year, the slow-paced lifestyle on Mexico’s largest desert in Baja Peninsula is given a turbo boost by the Baja 1000, the largest off-road motorsport race in the world.

On This Side of the World

A este lado del mundo
Drama, Fiction Spain
A deep and global look at migrations, borders, and the most insurmountable walls erected by mankind, directed by David Trueba.

On the Roof

El techo
Comedy, Drama, Fiction, Romance Cuba, Nicaragua
A deliciously offbeat romantic comedy from Cuba, On the Roof doesn’t shy away from tackling the problems facing contemporary youth.

One Street Away

A una cuadra
Documentary Argentina, United Kingdom, United States
An intimate portrayal of overlooked communities in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the film reveals the resilience and humanity of marginalized residents despite negative stereotypes.

Open Cage

Los bañistas
Drama, Fiction Mexico
A teenager and her elderly neighbor are hit hard when the economy collapses. They will have to learn to relate to each other to survive the crisis and rediscover the meaning of life.


Documentary Spain
Experts analyze all the elements that put Mallorca on the verge of collapse, examining whether the current tourism model is sustainable.

Panama Canal Stories

Historias del Canal
Drama, Fiction, Romance Panama
Spanning a century, from 1913 to 2013, this impressive, sweeping historical drama chronicles five incredible stories of people who helped build the famous canal and Panama itself.


Drama, Fiction, Adventure Argentina
A man flees Buenos Aires with a bag of money, chasing hints of an unpaid debt and long-lost brother on a road trip through South America.

Perro Bomba

Perro bomba
Drama, Fiction Chile, France
Steevens is a young Haitian immigrant living a challenging, but somewhat stable life in Santiago de Chile: he has a construction job, a home, friends, and fun. This precariously balanced life is disrupted when a childhood friend arrives seeking assistance to establish himself.

Persistent Woman

Mujer perseverante
Documentary Argentina
In 1994, the people of the northern Argentina were left without work when mines closed. There, a kolla woman creates an organization of weaving women.

Plot Point

Punto de giro
Fiction, Drama, Comedy, Science Fiction Spain
Clara and Luis have an argument. It’s not the first and it’s always over the same issue: Clara’s job interferes with Luis’ desire to have a family.

Porcelain Horse

Mejor no hablar (de ciertas cosas)
Drama, Fiction Ecuador
Paco and his brother Luis break into their parents' house to steal a porcelain horse for drug money. Confronted by their father, a fight unfolds with chilling consequences.

Present Tense, Ep. 09 - Precariousness of Work

Precarização do trabalho
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.


Drama, Fiction Chile
Ariel becomes involved in a teenager civil arrest— some accuse him of being guilty and some defend him. Ariel has to decide which side he is on.

Red Gold

Oro Rojo
Documentary, Animation Spain
An exploration into the Moroccan women's protest in Huelva's strawberry fields providing insight into challenges faced by marginalized communities.

Red Shoes

Zapatos rojos
Drama, Fiction Mexico, Italy
Tacho tends to his farm as life passes on. He receives news of his daughter’s death and travels to the city for her body, discovering a foreign world.

Return to Cuba

Volver a Cuba
Documentary Cuba, Canada
After 18 years living in Italy, Barbara Ramos returns to live in the town of Santa Clara, in Cuba, her homeland. Through the projects of family and friends, she discovers what has changed, what hasn’t, and what will likely never change in her country.

Sealed Cargo

Carga sellada
Drama, Comedy, Fiction Bolivia, France, Mexico, Venezuela
A lively rejoinder to Bolivia's status as a dumping ground for the world's industrial waste. Rich in symbolism and in spirit, Sealed Cargo is a terrific ride through the seldom-seen Altiplano and a potent reminder of what really matters.

Secrets from Putumayo

Segredos do Putumayo
Documentary Brazil
A documentary about the man widely considered to be the pioneer of international human rights inquiries, Roger Casement (1864-1916). His work in Africa, Brazil, and his native Ireland still has repercussions today.

Seven Dogs

Siete perros
Drama, Fiction Argentina
A canine family becomes the catalyst for human connection in this heartwarming film about a man looking to keep his seven dogs in his apartment despite the neighbors’ threats.

Silent Witnesses

Mudos testigos
Experimental, Drama, Documentary, Romance Colombia, France
An imaginary trek through the history of Colombia (and its cinema) during the first half of the 20th century, using footage of Colombian silent film.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 01 - A Brief Introduction to Solidarity Economy

Breve introdução à economia solidária
Documentary, Series Brazil
From small associations to large industrial cooperatives, Solidarity Planet travels throughout Brazil to show solidarity economy enterprises in the city and in the countryside.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 02 - Agricultural Cooperation

Cooperação agrícola
Documentary, Series Brazil
From agrarian reform to solidarity economy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 03 - Agribusiness

Documentary, Series Brazil
Solidarity economy and agricultural productivity.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 04 - Recovered Companies

Empresas recuperadas
Documentary, Series Brazil
From small associations to large industrial cooperatives, Solidarity Planet travels throughout Brazil to show solidarity economy enterprises in the city and in the countryside.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 05 - Solidarity Finance

Finanças solidárias
Documentary, Series Brazil
Subverting the capitalist experience.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 06 - Culture

Documentary, Series Brazil
Cultural actions as a strategy for local, political and economic transformation.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 07 - Community-Based Tourism

Turismo de base comunitária
Documentary, Series Brazil
Defense of territory, identity and nature as a resistance strategy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 08 - Solidarity Production Network

Rede de produção solidária
Documentary, Series Brazil
Produce and cooperate to prosper.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 09 - Responsible Consumption

Consumo responsável
Documentary, Series Brazil
Consumption as a political act.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 10 - Information Technology

Tecnologia da informação
Documentary, Series Brazil
Open source economy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 11 - Public Policies

Políticas públicas
Documentary, Series Brazil
Public funding of the solidarity economy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 12 - Selective Collection

Coleta seletiva
Documentary, Series Brazil
The residue of capitalism as a resource.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 13 - Education

Documentary, Series Brazil
Solidarity economy as pedagogical praxis.

Spain in Crisis: A Collective Response

Documentary, Experimental Spain
This crucial collection offers a fresh and much-needed perspective from artists and activists alike on the current Spanish fiscal crisis and the 15M movement, which influenced popular protests around the world, including the USA’s own Occupy Wall Street.

Spider Thieves

Niñas araña
Drama, Fiction, Adventure, Thriller Chile
Inspired by actual events, the teenage thriller Spider Thieves is a unique social commentary on dreams, class, and unfulfilled expectations in contemporary Chile.

Steel Life

Vida ferrea
Documentary Peru, Spain
A train trek from Andes to Pacific, Steel Life exposes the sociopolitical complexities of Peru, rich in resources but poor in health and education.

Sun and Daughter

Cuidando al sol
Drama, Fiction Bolivia, Spain, Germany
Ten-year-old Lucía builds her daily in a small village near Lake Titicaca around the eternal wait for her father's return.

That Was Life

La vida era eso
Drama Spain
Maria's tranquil life takes a turn when a young hospital patient's condition worsens, sparking a journey celebrating the possibilities of dignity.

The Awakening of the Ants

El despertar de las hormigas
Drama, Fiction Costa Rica, Spain
Isa finds herself suffocated by rigid gender roles and the cloistered, provincial thinking of a Costa Rican seaside village. She desperately imagines some other way of living.

The Awakening of the Youngsters

El despertar de los jóvenes
Documentary Peru, Spain
May 16, 2011: Democracy's romantic essence echoed in the streets of Spain. Past generations urge youth to embrace activism in times of crisis.

The Beach of the Enchaquirados

La playa de los Enchaquirados
Documentary Ecuador
Vicky balances her physically tough fishing work at sea with feminine elegance in her private life. Through her, we get to know a trans community that is part of a fishing village on the coast of Ecuador. Over time, do we learn to accept the other or, instead, do differences cloud our ability to see?

The Boss, Anatomy of a Crime

El patrón, radiografía de un crimen
Drama, Fiction, Thriller Argentina, Venezuela
Based on a true story, The Boss, Anatomy of a Crime is a neo-realistic portrait of the inhumane work environment, and the power imbalances existing between worker and employer.

The Brave Class: The Power of Political Speech

Clase valiente: el poder de las palabras
Documentary Spain
A social experiment that introduces a concept into the daily speech of politicians and communications experts during the 2015 Spanish elections. This involved many people in acts of public intervention, urban art, and other forms of social activism with surprising results.

The Candidate

El candidato
Comedy, Drama, Fiction Argentina, Uruguay
The son of a wealthy businessman starts prepping his candidacy for office. To distance himself from his father's reputation, he forms a new political party that speaks for the common man and hires a hotshot PR team to craft his new image.

The Canine Tooth

A diente de perro
Fiction, Drama, Thriller Spain
When Darío Manzano learns that his colleagues mugged the drug lords they work for, it triggers a spiral of fateful situations forcing him to fight against the clock for survival.

The City of the Future

A cidade do futuro
Drama, Romance, Fiction Brazil
A beautiful naturalistic film that shuns convention, embracing love in all its dazzling iterations.

The Coca-Cola Case

L'affaire Coca-Cola
Documentary Canada
This fascinating road-movie follows U.S. activists as they embark on a crusade against The Coca-Cola Company, accusing them of turning a blind eye to assault of union workers.

The Coup d'État Factory

A fantástica fábrica de golpes
Documentary Brazil
Brazil's long tradition of coup d'états is possible through the support of big media. Two Brazilian journalists reveal the manipulative tactics used.

The Crow’s Nest

Comedy, Drama, Fiction El Salvador
With a magnificent use of deadpan humor and charm, The Crow’s Nest depicts a unique and realistic vision of El Salvador, where evangelical churches, reverence for the concept of the American Dream, the local struggling economy, and violence are everyday experiences for its most vulnerable population.

The Deer

Drama, Fiction Spain
Khalil is a rootless young man who lives in the city’s margins, spending his days with a poacher who shares a house with a brother he has not talked to for years. On the shores of the marsh, the tides mark the time for love and indifference, friendship and revenge.

The Delay

La demora
Drama, Fiction France, Mexico, Uruguay
An exploration of the intense, painful ambivalence of family responsibility. When her elderly father's mental deterioration becomes a burden for her and three young children, María has to make a drastic decision.

The Delights

Las Delicias
Documentary Argentina
More than 120 kids live in Las Delicias agrotechnical boarding school in the Argentine countryside. They will experience the end of their childhood and the beginning of their youth.

The Dog Who Wouldn't Be Quiet

El perro que no calla
Drama, Comedy, Fiction Argentina
An adventurous and bittersweet cinematic exploration of adulthood, love, loss, and fatherhood in a world rocked by a sudden catastrophe.

The Female Teachers of the Republic

Las Maestras de la República
Documentary Spain
Winner of a Goya Award for Best Documentary, The Female Teachers of The Republic focuses on the role of women in advancing public education in the spirit of equality and democratic access to schooling during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939).

The Fire

El incendio
Drama, Fiction Argentina
A couple withdraw a hundred thousand dollars in cash from their bank to close on their first home. The sale's postponement uncovers the nature of their love as well as their crisis.

The Foam of Days

La espuma de los días
Drama, Fiction Cuba, Mexico
Five years in the making, this Cuban story is about camaraderie, friendship, and the human being who lives daily in a reality that conditions him, but does not determine him.

The Forgotten Boys of Brazil

Menino 23 - Infâncas Perdidas no Brasil
Documentary Brazil
During the 1930s, fifty black boys were taken from an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro and led to a farm where they were identified by numbers and subjected to slave labor by a family that was part of the political, military, and economic elite of the country while proclaming their affinity for the Nazi ideology.

The Good Life

La buena vida
Documentary Germany, Switzerland
Jairo Fuentes, a charismatic young Wayúu leader, fights to protect his community from displacement caused by the El Cerrejón coal mine's rapid expansion.

The Guardians

Documentary Mexico, United States
An indigenous Mexican community and millions of monarch butterflies are under threat of extinction in the ancient forest they call home.

The Heiresses

Las herederas
Drama, Fiction Paraguay, France, Germany, Norway, Brazil, Uruguay, Italy
Chela's life takes a turn when her partner is imprisoned, forcing her to drive a taxi and connect with new people and leading to a personal revolution.

The Hole Story

Hoyos (Trou Story)
Documentary Canada
Using striking images, rare archival footage, interviews, and humorous social commentary, the directors make a clear case against the way mining has been done in Canada.

The Intronauta

El intronauta
Animation Colombia
In a media-soaked world, EL finds solace in drawing. His city-born plant is erased by societal norms, prompting his transformation into El Intronauta.

The Invisible Hand

La mano invisible
Drama, Fiction Spain
With impeccable performances and a surprising ending, The Invisible Hand is an astonishing parable of work in contemporary society.

The Killing of the Pig

La matança del porc
Documentary, Experimental Spain, United States
From one of today's most respected filmmakers, dive into the mind of an amateur filmmaker in the '70s, concocting daring alternatives to tackle the 2012 economic crisis. A thought-provoking modern classic.

The Last Fisherman of Taganga

El último pescador de Taganga
Drama Colombia
Father and son chase sea dreams in perilous, climate-changed oceans. Amid a bleak future, an end becomes a new start

The Man of the Future

El hombre del futuro
Fiction, Drama Chile, Argentina
Michelsen, an elderly truck driver, sets out on his last trip driving freight to the southern tip of Chilean Patagonia.

The Naked Screen

La pantalla desnuda
Drama, Romance, Fiction Nicaragua
Octavio, the son of a poor family, and Alex, the son of a wealthy family in northern Nicaragua, are best friends. Octavio’s fascination with Alex turns into an obsession, and he is quick to sideline anyone or thing that gets in between them.

The Path of the Shepherd

La senda del pastor
Documentary Spain
A journey through the vocation of six shepherds who see how the profession they love comes to an end.

The Plastic Turtle

La tortuga de plástico
Animation Colombia
Sea turtle faces survival challenges.

The Price of Progress

Documentary Spain
The Price of Progress forces viewers to confront the multifaceted interests at stake in the global food industry: power, money, and health.

The Radio Amateur

El radioaficionado
Drama, Fiction Spain
A young autistic man obsessed with radio engineering tries to find some independence, but crueller forces interfere.

The Rebellion of Memory

La rebelión de la memoria
Documentary Ecuador
The indigenous movement leads the protests against the elimination of the subvention to the gas fuels by the Ecuadorian government.

The River's Retreat

El ciar del río
Documentary Argentina
A kayaker embarks on an expedition down a wild river following an explorer's old navigation letters.

The Rose Seller

La vendedora de rosas
Drama, Fiction, Classic Colombia
A poignant portrayal of life in the streets of Medellín, Colombia, directed by the iconic Colombian poet and filmmaker Victor Gaviria.

The Socialist Dream: Lázaro Cárdenas and the Reconstruction of Post-revolutionary Mexico

El sueño socialista
Documentary Mexico
In the violent times of a post-revolutionary Mexico, a complex and divided country, the ideas of a man paved the way towards social transformation. Radical, practical, and courageous, Lázaro Cárdenas and a socialist dream shaped the future of a Mexico in reconstruction with their political concepts.

The Spirit of the Ancestors

Te Kuhane o te Tupuna: El espíritu de los ancestros
Documentary Chile
Three generations of the Pakarati family travel to Europe to reclaim the Stolen Friend - one of Rapa Nui's (Easter Island) sacred spirits - which was stolen by colonizers and is one of the countless sacred objects housed in museums worldwide.

The Sweet Taste of Success

El dulce sabor del éxito
Documentary Spain
An intimate reflection on the concept of success, with an extraordinary main character and interviews with internationally renowned figures.

The Visitor

El visitante
Drama, Fiction Bolivia
A somber meditation on class, family, and the increasing power of Evangelism in Latin America, reflecting on the region’s legacies of colonialism.

The Welles Raft

A jangada de Welles
Documentary Brazil
During Orson Welles' filming of It's All True in Brazil, a fishermen's raft vanishes at sea, evoking memories of dictatorship, WWII, and labor rights battles.

The Year of the Discovery

El año del descubrimiento
Documentary Spain
Citizens of Cartagena recount the events of the 1992 riots.

These Walls

Estos muros
Documentary Spain
During the Franco regime, Penalty Redemption through Labour was a legal device that allowed public and private companies to use republican prisoners as forced labor. Pascual exposes how this device was used in virtually all economic sectors throughout the country.

This Stolen Country of Mine

Mein gestohlenes Land
Documentary Germany, Ecuador
Recently assassinated journalist and presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio and the indigenous resistance exposed the Ecuadorian government's corrupt agreements that allow Chinese exploitation of local mines. 

Three Summers

Três veroes
Fiction, Drama, Comedy Brazil
Regina Casé will rely on her eye for opportunity in this brilliant comedy about gross class disparity and the infinite resourcefulness of those who never take anything for granted.


Drama, Comedy, Fiction Spain
Luna and Diego are the parking lot security guards. Diego does the night shift, and Luna works by day.

Tupamaro: Urban Guerrillas

Tupamaro: guerrilas urbanas
Documentary United States, Mexico, Venezuela
A raw look at the infamous leader of one of Venezuela’s ‘colectivos,' armed leftists who fight drug-traffickers, political opponents, and even each other.

Two Women and a Cow

Dos mujeres y una vaca
Fiction, Drama Colombia
Two illiterate women travel to the nearby town looking for someone to read a letter they received. During the trip their plans are unexpectedly changed.

Valentina or the Serenity

Valentina o la serenidad
Drama, Fiction Mexico
Young Valentina uses all her might to believe that her father is still alive. This poignant tale of loss is uplifted by the joyous nature of love.

Venezuela: Country of Lost Children

Documentary Germany
In Venezuela's failed state, two single mothers struggle to survive amid violence and hunger. As one flees with her children, her son faces deadly gang threats.


Animation, Documentary Argentina
A film as necessary as it is beautiful, Vicenta explores the struggle for the right to a legal, safe, and free abortion.

Video-Dérives: Sol

Video-dérives: Sol
Documentary, Experimental Spain
An exploration of how citizens register images during the biggest social protests in Spain.

Wandering Girl

Niña errante
Fiction, Drama Colombia
On the violent border between Brazil and Paraguay, a battle wages between agribusiness and indigenous sovereignty.

Water Steps

Los pasos del agua
Drama, Fiction Colombia
Two fishermen in a forgotten hamlet near the Cauca river find a dead body in their net and, opting not to inform authorities, decide to bury it.

We Are Mari Pepa

Somos Mari Pepa
Comedy, Drama, Fiction, Musical, Classic Mexico
Alex has big plans for his summer in Guadalajara. He'll get a girlfriend and a new job, learn a new song with his band, Mari Pepa, and win the ”battle of the bands” concert.

We Need It Yesterday

Para ayer
Fiction, Comedy Spain
An emerging production company is ready to do whatever it takes in order to get the job from an award-winning advertising agency.

Window Boy Would Also Like to Have a Submarine

Chico ventana también quisiera tener un submarino
Comedy, Fiction, Drama, Science Fiction, Experimental Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, The Netherlands, The Philippines
On a cruise ship off the Patagonian coasts, a crewman discovers a magical portal leading into a woman's apartment.

You and Me

Tú y yo
Documentary, Comedy, Drama Dominican Republic
The Mrs., a 70-year-old widow, and Aridia, her young maid, live in isolation in a house in Santo Domingo where domestic chores keep them occupied.


Documentary Chile
When Gabriela discovers that Zoila, her childhood Mapuche indigenous nanny, doesn’t appear in the family tapes, she begins to question her mother's social construct.