Enough with Catcalling

(Chega de fiu fiu)
Amanda Kamanchek, Fernanda Frazão | Documentary

2018 | 73 minutes | Brazil

While the #MeToo Movement united sexual harassment victims throughout the world, this crucial documentary explores the public space as a place of violence for women—especially sexual harassment. It analyzes how feminist campaigns have changed power relationships between men and women in the streets of Brazil.


Were the cities made for women? While the #MeToo Movement united sexual harassment victims throughout the world, this crucial documentary goes beyond and explicitly illustrates how the participation of women in open urban spaces is marked by insecurity. The film explores the public space as a place of violence—especially sexual harassment—and analyzes how campaigns promoted by activists and feminists have changed power relationships between men and women in the streets and on the Internet in Brazil.

Enough With Catcalling follows Raquel, Rosa, and Teresa, in three different Brazilian cities, who share with us their experiences with catcalling. The film also includes insightful footage from hidden cameras worn by women in their day to day life, as well as eye-opening conversations between specialists and men about harassment, body image, and masculinity.


"We are instantly thrust into the skin-crawling sense of fear that many women feel walking through the streets alone at night." — Jezebel

"Street harassment 'represents the objectification of women, the hyper-sexualization of women, the lack of autonomy that women have over our own bodies, and the idea that a woman is not a public being." — Juliana de Faria, Founder, Think Olga

"The film shows how we are systematically excluded from the debate about city. The characters in the film have this in common: no one feels at ease in the public space. Neither of them feels safe or belonging to the city. In addition to this complaint, I see the documentary as an educational project - the idea is to transform it into a tool with universities and schools so that we can think together about a change." — Juliana de Faria, Founder, Think Olga

Main credits

Kamanchek, Amanda (film director)
Kamanchek, Amanda (film producer)
Frazão, Fernanda (film director)
Frazão, Fernanda (film producer)
Biau, Camila (film producer)
Kakuda, Lucas (film producer)
Lemes, Juliana (film producer)

Other credits

Cinematography, Lucas Kakuda; editor, Cibele Appes.

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ACT Human Rights Film Festival

DIRECTOR: Amanda Kamanchek, Fernanda Frazão


YEAR: 2018

GENRE: Documentary

LANGUAGE: Portuguese

COLOR / B&W: Color

GRADE LEVEL: High School, College, Adults



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