Social Justice
A thought-provoking collection of films centered on social justice, each narrative a powerful exploration of human rights, equality, and the pursuit of a more just society. These compelling stories shed light on important issues and inspire reflection on the transformative impact of advocacy and change.
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The Social Justice collection includes the following titles:

A Bruddah's Mind
Cabeça de nêgo
Drama, Fiction
A reminder of the importance of activism, political engagement, and the sacrifices that come with it, A Bruddah’s Mind follows Saulo, a black introvert student and fan of the Black Panther Movement, as he challenges his school in the largely white city of Fortaleza.

At the Gates Of Hell, Ep. 05 - Threatened - Brazilian Amazon
Amenazados - Amazonia brasileña
Documentary, Series
In parts of the Amazon, protecting your ancestral land can be a death sentence. We meet with the environmental heroes and those who will do anything to get their hands on these resources.

At the Gates of Hell, Ep. 01 - Broken Children - Colombia
Niños rotos - Colombia
Documentary, Series
Childhood is not a happy time in Colombia. In the forgotten barrios of Bogotá and Medellín, children are hired as killers or forced into prostitution. We give voice to this lost generation.

At the Gates of Hell, Ep. 02 - Women Without a Name - Mexico
Mujeres sin nombre - México
Documentary, Series
Between Jan 2012 and June 2016, 9,581 women were violently murdered in Mexico, but just 1,887 were categorized as femicides. An analysis of machismo and misogyny in Mexican culture.

At the Gates of Hell, Ep. 03 - Mara’s War Tax - Honduras
Renta de Mara, tarifa de muerte - Honduras
Documentary, Series
Each year, dozens of taxi drivers are murdered in Honduras – the world's most dangerous country. Gangs demand taxes from drivers to work in their territory. Who'd work in this terrifying business?

At the Gates of Hell, Ep. 04 - On the Right Side of the Wall - Lima, Peru
Al otro lado del muro - Lima, Perú
Documentary, Series
A 10-kilometer wall in Lima separates the richest neighborhood in the city from the poorest. For some it is known as the 'wall of shame,' and for others it is essential to security.

Bad Hombres
The Netherlands
Journalist Stef Biemans travels between Guatemala and the U.S. during the first months of the Trump Administration, to see what the so-called ‘bad hombres’ hope to find in the U.S.

Bastard. The Legacy of Pinochet's Genocide
Bastardo. La herencia de un genocida
Chile, Italy, Sweden
On discovering his father was the head of Chilean police intelligence guilty of human rights abuses, the director confronts him and looks for victims.

Brickmakers (Chircales)
Documentary, Classic
An essential and highly influential classic, Chircales is the product of two of the most prominent and rebellious voices of the New Latin American Cinema: Marta Rodríguez and Jorge Silva.

Burn Them
The order to burn books was only a warning of what thousands of men and women who resisted the prevailing dictatorship in Argentina would face.

Carretera Cartonera: Discover the World of Cartonera Publishers
Carretera cartonera
Carretera Cartonera travel across Latin America to understand Cartonera book production. What they find is a diverse and vast array of citizens and cooperatives committed to using literary production as a means of fighting for social justice, economic equality, and a more sustainable world.

Delicate Balance
Frágil equilibrio
Chile, Mexico, Spain, Uruguay, Japan
Centered around an extensive interview with Jose “Pepe” Mujica, the former President of Uruguay who gained notoriety on the world stage as a rare politician: one that lives according to the ideas and principles he preaches, Delicate Balance is a contemplative essay on the everyday reality of globalization.

Drowning Letters
Cartas mojadas
An urgent and necessary film to understand one of the most tragic chapters in contemporary history; the migratory crisis taking place across the Mediterranean Sea in search for European shores.

United States, Dominican Republic
When the Dominican Republic’s Supreme Court stripped the citizenship of anyone with Haitian parents, Elena becomes the face of the struggle against the opaque bureaucratic process and a racist, hostile society, to stay in a country built on the labor of her forefathers.

Enough with Catcalling
Chega de fiu fiu
While the #MeToo Movement united sexual harassment victims throughout the world, this crucial documentary explores the public space as a place of violence for women—especially sexual harassment. It analyzes how feminist campaigns have changed power relationships between men and women in the streets of Brazil.

Erasing The Border
Mexico, United States
Mexican American artist Ana Teresa Fernández imagines a creative way to make the US-Mexico border wall disappear.

Exploiting Eden, Île-à-Vache
Explotando el edén, Île-à-Vache
Haiti, Spain
The Haitian government makes a tourist destination out of the unspoiled beach of Île-à-Vache. Great for prosperity. A nightmare for local islanders.

Sin miedo
Mexico, Spain, Guatemala
A group of relatives of people disappeared during the Guatemalan military dictatorship requested and obtained, among many other measures of compensation, the production of a documentary film describing the events by the State. Fearless is an exploration of the current shapes of our memory (individual and collective).

Drama, Fiction
Spain, Mexico
In Oaxaca, Finlandia explores the lives of Muxes, a Zapotec third-gender community, weaving themes of identity, resilience, and cultural authenticity.

Giants Don't Exist
Los gigantes no existen
Drama, Fiction
Based on the true story of Guatemalan activist Jesús Tecú, Chema Rodríguez’s second feature is a harrowing and powerful drama about survival and hope. Teco was one of the few survivors of the 1982 Río Negro massacre against indigenous populations, in which 177 women and children died.

When a bread stick company is abandoned by its owners due to bankruptcy, its sixteen workers make up their minds to occupy, live, and resist to save the company.

Paraguay, Argentina, Qatar
Celsa recalls Paraguay’s Stroessner dictatorship, her torture, her husband’s death. Remains are found under Stroessner's home: will she find closure?

El Salvador, Mexico
Three young actresses recreate testimonies of Salvadoran civil war sexual assault victims in a fable guided by the history of Indigo.

Light Falls Vertical
Ara la llum cau vertical
Spain, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands
Efthymia Zymvragaki weaves the story of a perpetrator with her own experiences with violence, offering insight into the complexity of abuse.

Courageous female wrestlers defy societal norms and machismo, redefining the image of women in Mexico. Their strength in the ring thus mirrors their daily fight for gender equality.

Marcos Doesn't Live Here Anymore
United States
An examination of the U.S. immigration system through the lives of two unforgettable protagonists whose lives reveal the human cost of deportation.

Marea Verde: The Road to the Law
Marea Vernde
Argentina, Colombia
Mothers, grandmothers, sisters, friends, workers, lesbians, transsexuals, and others unite in the fight for legal, safe, free abortion in Argentina.

Filmed over the course of 40 years, indigenous expert and filmmaker Vincent Carelli seeks out the origins of the Guaraní Kaiowá genocide. A conflict of disproportionate forces: the peaceful and obstinate insurgency of the dispossessed Guaraní Kaiowá against the powerful apparatus of agribusiness.

My Brothers Dream Awake
Mis hermanos sueñan despiertos
Drama, Fiction
Ángel and his younger brother Franco have been incarcerated in a juvenile prison for a year. Despite the difficulties, they have formed a solid group of friends.

Now that We Are Together
Ahora que estamos juntas
Patricia joins feminist protests and, through solidarity, self-defense, and shared joy, discovers that unity in a violent world can be revolutionary.

On Suspicion: Zokunentu
Bajo sospecha: Zokunentu
A journey through the works of Mapuche artist Bernardo Oyarzún, exploring identity, spirituality, territory and racial justice in contemporary Chile.

One Street Away
A una cuadra
Argentina, United Kingdom, United States
An intimate portrayal of overlooked communities in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the film reveals the resilience and humanity of marginalized residents despite negative stereotypes.

One or Two Questions
Uruguay, Germany
A testimony of the capacity of documentary cinema (and archives) to unravel the complexity of history, One or Two Questions documents the mood on the streets of Uruguay between 1987 and 1989 following the approval of a law granting amnesty for all crimes and human rights violations committed by the army and police during the dictatorship.

Panama Canal Stories
Historias del Canal
Drama, Fiction, Romance
Spanning a century, from 1913 to 2013, this impressive, sweeping historical drama chronicles five incredible stories of people who helped build the famous canal and Panama itself.

Perro Bomba
Perro bomba
Drama, Fiction
Chile, France
Steevens is a young Haitian immigrant living a challenging, but somewhat stable life in Santiago de Chile: he has a construction job, a home, friends, and fun. This precariously balanced life is disrupted when a childhood friend arrives seeking assistance to establish himself.

Port of Destiny: Peace
United States
This film follows Nobel laureate Juan Manuel Santos, Colombia's President, as he pursues peace, battling FARC guerrillas, orchestrating rescues, and facing political consequences.

Present Tense, Ep. 01 - The Agro that Is Toxic
O agro que é tóxic
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 02 - Alive and Strong
Vivas e fortes
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 03 - Survivors
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 04 - The City Is Ours
A cidade é nossa
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 05 - Education that Transforms
Educação que transforma
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 06 - Black Genocide
Genocídio negro
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 07 - Racist Inequality
Desigualdade racista
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 08 - Hidden Hunger
Fome oculta
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 09 - Precariousness of Work
Precarização do trabalho
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 10 - Full, Universal, and Free
Integral, universal e gratuita
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 11 - Fake News
Fake News
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 12 - Struggle for Land
Luta pela terra
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 13 - Invisible Mud
Lama invisível
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Offering front-row seats to the historic events that will determine whether the International Criminal Court is a groundbreaking new weapon for justice or an idealistic dream.

Red Gringo: American Pop Culture and Cold War in Latin America.
Gringo rojo
Documentary, Musical
Reminiscent of Searching for Sugarman, the film follows Dean Reed, a North American singer who became a pop idol during the ʼ50s and ʼ60s in Chile and the Americas.

River Silence
As construction of one of the world’s largest dams destroys the Amazon’s ancient ecosystems, the filmmaker offers a plea for those brutalized for rampant development.

Rota n' Roll
In the 50s, a group of American marines brought dollars, Marlboros, Cadillacs, night clubs, and rock n´roll into post civil war Spain, an impoverished fascist dictatorship.

Rural Health
Salud rural
A little town, a rural hospital, and a Doctor who assists his patients, but, above all, a doctor who sits down and speaks with them.

Schools in Fight
Escolas em luta
Schools in Fight follows the students as they fight for their right to an education. Through interviews and cameras inside the buildings, operated by the same students, the film throws light on a generation that dared to face that autocratic gesture of the State.

Seeds: Black Women in Power
Sementes: Mulheres pretas no poder
The 2018 elections turned into the biggest political uprising led by Black women in Brazil's history, in response to the brutal execution of Marielle Franco.

Sensitive Material
Material sensible
We examine how photography empowers survivors of childhood sexual abuse to express themselves through powerful imagery and personal testimonies.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 01 - A Brief Introduction to Solidarity Economy
Breve introdução à economia solidária
Documentary, Series
From small associations to large industrial cooperatives, Solidarity Planet travels throughout Brazil to show solidarity economy enterprises in the city and in the countryside.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 02 - Agricultural Cooperation
Cooperação agrícola
Documentary, Series
From agrarian reform to solidarity economy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 03 - Agribusiness
Documentary, Series
Solidarity economy and agricultural productivity.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 04 - Recovered Companies
Empresas recuperadas
Documentary, Series
From small associations to large industrial cooperatives, Solidarity Planet travels throughout Brazil to show solidarity economy enterprises in the city and in the countryside.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 05 - Solidarity Finance
Finanças solidárias
Documentary, Series
Subverting the capitalist experience.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 06 - Culture
Documentary, Series
Cultural actions as a strategy for local, political and economic transformation.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 07 - Community-Based Tourism
Turismo de base comunitária
Documentary, Series
Defense of territory, identity and nature as a resistance strategy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 08 - Solidarity Production Network
Rede de produção solidária
Documentary, Series
Produce and cooperate to prosper.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 09 - Responsible Consumption
Consumo responsável
Documentary, Series
Consumption as a political act.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 10 - Information Technology
Tecnologia da informação
Documentary, Series
Open source economy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 11 - Public Policies
Políticas públicas
Documentary, Series
Public funding of the solidarity economy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 12 - Selective Collection
Coleta seletiva
Documentary, Series
The residue of capitalism as a resource.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 13 - Education
Documentary, Series
Solidarity economy as pedagogical praxis.

Songs that Flood the River
Cantos que inundan el río
In the community of Pogue, alabados—songs that guide the dead to purgatory—transform into haunting pleas for peace in this mesmerizing tale.

Spain in Crisis: A Collective Response
Documentary, Experimental
This crucial collection offers a fresh and much-needed perspective from artists and activists alike on the current Spanish fiscal crisis and the 15M movement, which influenced popular protests around the world, including the USA’s own Occupy Wall Street.

Spider Thieves
Niñas araña
Drama, Fiction, Adventure, Thriller
Inspired by actual events, the teenage thriller Spider Thieves is a unique social commentary on dreams, class, and unfulfilled expectations in contemporary Chile.

The Awakening of the Youngsters
El despertar de los jóvenes
Peru, Spain
May 16, 2011: Democracy's romantic essence echoed in the streets of Spain. Past generations urge youth to embrace activism in times of crisis.

The Boss, Anatomy of a Crime
El patrón, radiografía de un crimen
Drama, Fiction, Thriller
Argentina, Venezuela
Based on a true story, The Boss, Anatomy of a Crime is a neo-realistic portrait of the inhumane work environment, and the power imbalances existing between worker and employer.

The Coca-Cola Case
L'affaire Coca-Cola
This fascinating road-movie follows U.S. activists as they embark on a crusade against The Coca-Cola Company, accusing them of turning a blind eye to assault of union workers.

The Companion
El acompañante
Drama, Fiction, Thriller
Set in 1988 Cuba as the government dispatched HIV patients to AIDS centers under military rule, The Companion narrates the unlikely friendship between a boxing champion and a conflictive patient.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 01 - The Indian Protection Service Scandal
O escândalo do serviço de proteção aos índios
Documentary, Series
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 02 - Pacification and Transfer
Pacificação e transferência
Documentary, Series
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 03 - The Pin and the Transamazonica
O pin e a transamazõnica
Documentary, Series
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 04 - From Emancipation to the Itaipu Hydroelectric Plant
Da emancipação à hidrelétrica Itaipu
Documentary, Series
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 05 - The Transnational Indigenous Movement
O movimento indígena transnacional
Documentary, Series
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 06 - The 1988 Constitution and the Challenges of the 21st Century
A consituiçao de 1988 e os desafios do séc. XXI
Documentary, Series
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Delights
Las Delicias
More than 120 kids live in Las Delicias agrotechnical boarding school in the Argentine countryside. They will experience the end of their childhood and the beginning of their youth.

The Empty Classroom
El aula vacía
Documentary, Fiction
Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, El Salvador
Creative director Gael García Bernal explores the underlying reasons behind the school dropout crisis in Latin America, from poverty to societal traditions.

The Forgotten Boys of Brazil
Menino 23 - Infâncas Perdidas no Brasil
During the 1930s, fifty black boys were taken from an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro and led to a farm where they were identified by numbers and subjected to slave labor by a family that was part of the political, military, and economic elite of the country while proclaming their affinity for the Nazi ideology.

The Metal Stork
La cigüeña metálica
Spain, El Salvador
During El Salvador’s civil war, rural kids Ana Lilian, Ricardo, and Blanca witnessed the murder of their families and grieved as a military helicopter determined their fate. Now, they try to reconnect with their long-lost families, hoping to reconcile their pasts and bring peace to the present.

The Padilla Affair
El Caso Padilla
Spain, Cuba
La Habana, 1971: poet Heberto Padilla has just been released from prison and “self-confides” as a counter-revolutionary before the writer’s guild, marking a before and after in the Cuban regime.

The Pink House
La Casa Rossada
Drama, Fiction
In 1980s Peru, during a brutal civil war, siblings bravely search for their father, wrongfully accused of terrorism after the killing of his wife.

The Socialist Dream: Lázaro Cárdenas and the Reconstruction of Post-revolutionary Mexico
El sueño socialista
In the violent times of a post-revolutionary Mexico, a complex and divided country, the ideas of a man paved the way towards social transformation. Radical, practical, and courageous, Lázaro Cárdenas and a socialist dream shaped the future of a Mexico in reconstruction with their political concepts.

The Spark in the Meadow
La chispa en la pradera
Sofia Brito’s sexual harassment by a professor sparked a feminist movement in Chilean universities where students protested gender-based violence.

The Spirit of the Ancestors
Te Kuhane o te Tupuna: El espíritu de los ancestros
Three generations of the Pakarati family travel to Europe to reclaim the Stolen Friend - one of Rapa Nui's (Easter Island) sacred spirits - which was stolen by colonizers and is one of the countless sacred objects housed in museums worldwide.

The Trial
El juicio
Argentina, Italy, France, Norway
A tour de force of political filmmaking; a chilling record of the trial of nine representatives of Argentina’s military dictatorship for unlawful detention, torture, and murder.

The Wall: The Effect of its Imposing Presence on Migrant Families
United States
A firsthand look at the reality of the Hispanic population in the United States and the current undocumented immigration crisis, touching on topics such as the U.S.-Mexico border wall, the effects of family separation at the border, deportation, and DACA.

The Wind Blows the Border
Venta na fronteira
On the violent border between Brazil and Paraguay, a battle wages between agribusiness and indigenous sovereignty.

They Called Me King Tiger: A Biography of the Chicano Malcolm X
Me llamaban el Rey Tigre
A balanced view of Reies López Tijerina, who inspired Mexican-American college students of the late 1960s and early 1970s to start the Chicano Civil Rights Movement that stressed ethnic pride, ethnic studies, and opposition to police brutality.

This Stolen Country of Mine
Mein gestohlenes Land
Germany, Ecuador
Recently assassinated journalist and presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio and the indigenous resistance exposed the Ecuadorian government's corrupt agreements that allow Chinese exploitation of local mines.

In 1966, under General Onganía’s dictatorship, Argentina faced a hidden genocide. This film explores union leader Agustín Tosco’s fight for justice.

Animation, Documentary
A film as necessary as it is beautiful, Vicenta explores the struggle for the right to a legal, safe, and free abortion.

We Are Fire
Belgium, Luxembourg
Mar Maremoto, a vibrant force of queer punk energy, tackles machismo, fat-shaming, and norms through her dynamic artwork from cartoons to murals.

What Happens to a Dream Deferred
United States
An intimate portrait of a day in the life of two DACA recipients whose lives were thrown into limbo after the program was rescinded on September 5, 2017.

What Remains on the Way
Lo que queda en el camino
Germany, Brazil
Lilian and her four children join a caravan of thousands trying to reach the Mexico-US border with the hope to migrate in search for a better life.

What Would You Pack?
United States
What would you pack in the suitcase of a loved one, if they were going to be deported?

When the Guns Go Silent
El silencio de los fusiles
The Colombian peace process explained with unprecedented access to the protagonists of the negotiations and exceptional archival material.

When the Waters Flow as One
Cuando las aguas se juntan
We explore how women impacted by war confront violence, foster healing, advocate for a politics rooted in solidarity and love, and inspiring change.

Zoot Suit Riots
United States
In June 1943, the murder of José Diaz ignited a firestorm in Los Angeles. Revisit the violent events of the next summer, culminating in riots between servicemen and Latino youth.