Panama Canal Stories

(Historias del Canal)
Abner Benaim, Carolina Borrero, Pituka Ortega-Heilbron | Drama, Fiction, Romance

2014 | 106 minutes | Panama

Spanning a century, from 1913 to 2013, this impressive, sweeping historical drama chronicles five incredible stories of people who helped build the famous canal and Panama itself.


This impressive, sweeping historical drama chronicles five incredible stories of people who helped build the famous canal and Panama itself.

Spanning a century, from 1913 to 2013, the film weaves together the tales of five remarkable characters: Clarice, a young Jamaican laborer forced to choose between love and survival at the hands her American and British bosses during the Canal’s construction; Jake, the son of an engineer who grows up in the ‘American zone’ in 1950s Panama but who really wants to be with his Panamanian friends; José, a student caught up in the 1960s political unrest and his love for a pretty American girl, Lucy; Silverio, a chauffeur for visiting U.S. politicians who is hired to spy on them by local political activists in 1977; and Clarice Jones, a jazz singer in New York City who discovers that her great-grandmother worked on the canal and decides to go to Panama to explore her roots.


"A milestone for a young industry." — John Hopewell, Variety

"Stories which are unique and even riveting as they uncover a history of the Panama Canal which expands beyond what little we may know of the country's history." — Sydney Levine, IndieWire

Main credits

Borrero, Carolina (film director)
Mon, Pinky (film director)
Brantley, Luis Franco (film director)
Ortega Heilbron, Pituka (film director)
Ortega Heilbron, Pituka (film producer)
Benaim, Abner (film director)
Novas, Ileana (film producer)
Schverdfinger, Pablo (film producer)
Rodríguez, Manolito (screenwriter)
Fadel, Alejandro (screenwriter)
Mauregui, Martín (screenwriter)
May, Lakisha (actor)
Morris, Andre (actor)
Wise, Kathleen (actor)

Other credits

Directors, Carolina Borrero (1913), Pinky Mon (1950), Luis Franco Brantley (1964), Abner Benaim (1977), Pituka Ortega Heilbron (2013).

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Latin American Film Festival Canada
Miami Film Festival
Panama International Film Festival
St. Louis Film Festival

DIRECTOR: Abner Benaim, Carolina Borrero, Pituka Ortega-Heilbron


YEAR: 2014

GENRE: Drama, Fiction, Romance

LANGUAGE: English; Spanish

COLOR / B&W: Color

GRADE LEVEL: High School, College, Adults



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