Browse Films


Documentary Spain
Women share their experiences and reasons for rejecting traditional motherhood ideals.

About Everything There Is to Know

De todas las cosas que se han de saber
Documentary Peru
Following the legacy of literary icon César Vallejo, the film explores the tensions between oral and written tradition, avant-garde literature, and popular culture.

Adriana's Pact

El pacto de Adriana
Documentary Chile
As her family’s worst nightmare unfolds on screen, the director tries to disproof accounts of her aunt’s role as an agent of Pinochet’s secret police. But… who is telling the truth?

After Spring

Depois da primavera
Documentary Brazil
Syrian brothers Adel and Hadi Bakkour take to the streets of Rio de Janeiro to fight for democracy in the country where they found refuge.

Album for the Youth

Álbum para la juventud
Fiction, Drama, Comedy Argentina
Pedro & Sol, fresh out of high school, embrace their passions: Sol revisits music, and Pedro secretly dives into writing. Unbeknownst, they mature.


Drama, Comedy, Fiction Spain
Renowned Mexican actress Cecilia Suárez stars in a story of reconciliation set in Melilla, an autonomous, Spanish city on Africa’s north coast where Jews, Muslims, and Christians come together.

Alice Júnior

Comedy, Fiction Brazil
Alice Júnior is a celebration of rebellious youth that offers the potential for future generations to rethink outdated perspectives of gender, sexuality, and differences as a whole.

Amazon Mirror

O Reflexo do Lago
Documentary Brazil
During the 1980s, Brazil's military dictatorship erected a massive Amazon dam, leaving residents without electricity for 40 years. A film crew explores the decision to stay.


Documentary Spain
More than half a century ago, many Basques left Spain to look for a better life working as sheepherders in the American West. In Amerikanuak, Nacho Reig looks at the lives of some of the last remaining Basque sheepherders in the United States.

The Apizaco Shaman

El brujo de Apizaco
Documentary Mexico
The stormy life of Mexican bullfighter Rodolfo Rodríguez González and his alter ego "THE PANA," who worked as a baker, gravedigger, and bundles loader before becoming a bullfighter.

The Apostate

El apóstata
Drama, Fiction, Comedy France, Uruguay
An existential comedy about a young man in the increasingly quixotic quest of formally having his name struck from the Catholic church’s baptismal record.


Drama, Fiction Spain
Two teenage friends spend their summer in Madrid but are forbidden from seeing each other.

Arid Zone

Zona árida
Documentary Brazil
Brazilian director Fernanda Pessoa was 15 years old and experienced being a foreign exchange student for one year in conservative Mesa, AR. Now she’s back to try to understand her experience.

Art21: Borderlands

Documentary United States
Five acclaimed artists create ambitious public artworks, photographs, sculptures and performances during one of the most divisive moments in the history of the U.S. and Mexico border.

Asier and I

Asier eta Biok
Documentary Ecuador, Spain
Asier and I follows Aitor as he ties to understand what could have led his childhood friend to join the terrorist group ETA. Armed with a camera, Aitor meets Asier upon his release from jail, ready to tell this story.