Browse Films

La hembrita
Drama, Fiction
Dominican Republic
A high-class woman has one of her maid's granddaughters under her care. She must decide between giving the girl back or keeping her in the family.

Bad Hair
Pelo malo
Drama, Fiction
A nine-year-old boy’s preening obsession with straightening his hair elicits a tidal wave of homophobic panic in his hard-working mother, in this best-seller tender but clear-eyed coming-of-age film.

Baracoa. 500 Years Later
Baracoa. 500 años después
Cuba, Spain
Baracoa, the small town surrounded by mountains and rivers, is immersed in its own legend and in the work and dreams of its people. It prevails half a millennium from the day in which Christopher Columbus planted the “Parra” Cross on its shore. It was Cuba’s initial capital.

Between Fire and Water
Entre fuego y agua
Camilo is a young black man adopted by an indigenous couple in rural Colombia. Supported by his adoptive father, Camilo embarks on a journey to find his true identity and understand his two races.

Bixa Travesty
Bixa travesty
Linn da Quebrada, a Brazilian transgender singer and artist, presents a powerful and courageous feminist film-discourse on the body and its representation.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 01 - Haiti & Dominican Republic: An Island Divided
Documentary, Series
United States
In the Dominican Republic, Professor Gates explores how race has been socially constructed, while In Haiti, hear the story of the birth of the first-ever black republic.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 02 - Cuba: The Next Revolution
Documentary, Series
United States
In Cuba, Gates finds out how the culture, religion, politics and music are linked to slave labor, and how race and racism have fared since Fidel Castro’s Communist revolution in 1959.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 03 Brazil: A Racial Paradise?
Documentary, Series
United States
In Brazil, Professor Gates goes behind the façade of Carnival to discover how this “rainbow nation” is waking up to its legacy as the world’s largest slave economy.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 04 - Mexico & Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet
Documentary, Series
United States
In Mexico and Peru, Professor Gates explores the almost unknown history of slavory and the worlds of culture that their descendants have created.

Boca Chica
Drama, Fiction
Dominican Republic
An example of the brilliance of the new wave of Dominican cinema, Boca Chica exposes how local social norms present the sexualization of young girls as a path to survival.

Bongó Itá
Bongó Itá reveals the resilience of the Abakuá, an Afro-Cuban brotherhood, preserving their traditions despite centuries of prejudice and secrecy.

Boston's Latin Quarter
United States
The Latin Quarter, a Latinx neighborhood in the middle of Jamaica Plain in Boston, serves as an example of community, resilience, and growth.

A Bruddah's Mind
Cabeça de nêgo
Drama, Fiction
A reminder of the importance of activism, political engagement, and the sacrifices that come with it, A Bruddah’s Mind follows Saulo, a black introvert student and fan of the Black Panther Movement, as he challenges his school in the largely white city of Fortaleza.

Burning Night
Breve miragem de sol
Drama, Fiction
Brazil, France, Argentina
Along with the lonely cab driver Paulo, the night and Rio de Janeiro are the main protagonists of the new film by Eryk Rocha (awarded at Cannes'16 for Cinema Novo).

Calls from Moscow
Llamadas desde Moscú
Cuba, Germany, Norway
An apartment in Moscow becomes the stage for one day in the lives of four queer Cuban exiles, shortly before Putin’s invasion of Ukraine changes everything.