Tito, Margot and Me

(Tito, Margot Y Yo)
Mercedes Arias, Delfina Vidal | Documentary

2022 | 93 minutes | Panama, Colombia

The love story between the British ballerina Margot Fonteyn and her husband, the charismatic Panamanian diplomat Tito Arias.


A cinematic portrait unfolds of the larger-than-life love story between Panamanian diplomat Tito Arias and renowned dancer Dame Margot Fonteyn. This biographical documentary skillfully intertwines interviews, archival footage, personal correspondence, nostalgic photographs, poignant dance sequences, and excerpts from Fonteyn’s autobiography. It illuminates their enduring bond amidst familial trials, political pressures, and profound love. Their journey, veiled in fame, infidelities, a coup attempt supported by Fidel Castro, and an assault that rendered Tito Arias quadriplegic, emerges as a captivating narrative of resilience and devotion.


"Directors Mercedes Arias and Delfina Vidal have reconvened to relay the fascinating tale of Panamanian politico Tito Arias – the director’s first cousin once removed – and his wife, renowned ballerina Dame Margot Fonteyn." — Holly Jones, Variety

"An intimate look at the life of the lady of the British Empire and first ballerina of the Royal Ballet and her Central American diplomat husband, who was the son of a Panamanian president. The filmmakers took a journey through the visible past and at the same time imaginary, in search of the meaning and the signifier of love for this couple that remained united for more than three decades, accompanied by the last testimonies that validated their perspective of it history." — Cinema Tropical

"The track of the closest witnesses of the relationship between Arias and Fonteyn and, beyond the show business, discovers a story full of grays, conspiracies, and tragedy. A biographical documentary, a political drama, and a tribute to dance." — Ibermedia


Coming soon.


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No clips are available yet.

IFFP Panama International Film Festival; Havana Film Festival New York; ACAMPADOC International Documentary Film Festival

DIRECTOR: Mercedes Arias, Delfina Vidal

NATIONALITY: Panama, Colombia

YEAR: 2022

GENRE: Documentary

LANGUAGE: Spanish; English

COLOR / B&W: Color

GRADE LEVEL: Middle School, High School, College, Adult



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