Afro-Latin Narratives
The collection unveils the often overlooked and underrepresented experiences of Afro Latin Americans in the Americas and throughout the diaspora, and their profound contributions. These films delve into themes of cultural heritage, discrimination, and the dismantling of stereotypes; they challenge perceptions and foster understanding.
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The Afro-Latin Narratives collection includes the following titles:

Roots of Latin Jazz
United States
Celebrate Latin music with the Raices Jazz Orchestra, with originals and arrangements such as Herbie Hancock's “Eye of the Hurricane” and performances by artists including Richard Bona and Anaadi.

I, Prisoner, Ep. 06 - Women "Mules"
Mulheres mulas
Documentary, Series
Women mules of the drug trade: who are the foreigners that arrive in Brazil straight to a penitentiary for carrying drugs?

On This Side of the World
A este lado del mundo
Drama, Fiction
A deep and global look at migrations, borders, and the most insurmountable walls erected by mankind, directed by David Trueba.

In the Afro-descendant village of Juntas de Yurumanguí, Holy Week is celebrated far from clerical control and with religious autonomy.

Guernica: The Last Exile
Guernica: El último exiliado
Picasso's 'Guernica' arrives in Spain, marking a pivotal moment in its democratic transition—a powerful story of art's enduring impact.

Familiar Tale
Relato familiar
At 83 and living in Mexico, Yukio Saeki can still hear the echo of a hot Monday morning, as he walked toward the ocean while the atomic bomb fell.

Burn Them
The order to burn books was only a warning of what thousands of men and women who resisted the prevailing dictatorship in Argentina would face.

A Bruddah's Mind
Cabeça de nêgo
Drama, Fiction
A reminder of the importance of activism, political engagement, and the sacrifices that come with it, A Bruddah’s Mind follows Saulo, a black introvert student and fan of the Black Panther Movement, as he challenges his school in the largely white city of Fortaleza.

Bad Hair
Pelo malo
Drama, Fiction
A nine-year-old boy’s preening obsession with straightening his hair elicits a tidal wave of homophobic panic in his hard-working mother, in this tender but clear-eyed coming-of-age tale.

Baracoa. 500 Years Later
Baracoa. 500 años después
Cuba, Spain
Baracoa, the small town surrounded by mountains and rivers, is immersed in its own legend and in the work and dreams of its people. It prevails half a millennium from the day in which Christopher Columbus planted the “Parra” Cross on its shore. It was Cuba’s initial capital.

Between Fire and Water
Entre fuego y agua
Camilo is a young black man adopted by an indigenous couple in rural Colombia. Supported by his adoptive father, Camilo embarks on a journey to find his true identity and understand his two races.

Bixa Travesty
Bixa travesty
Linn da Quebrada, a Brazilian transgender singer and artist, presents a powerful and courageous feminist film-discourse on the body and its representation.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 01 - Haiti & Dominican Republic: An Island Divided
Documentary, Series
United States
In the Dominican Republic, Professor Gates explores how race has been socially constructed, while In Haiti, hear the story of the birth of the first-ever black republic.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 02 - Cuba: The Next Revolution
Documentary, Series
United States
In Cuba, Gates finds out how the culture, religion, politics and music are linked to slave labor, and how race and racism have fared since Fidel Castro’s Communist revolution in 1959.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 03 Brazil: A Racial Paradise?
Documentary, Series
United States
In Brazil, Professor Gates goes behind the façade of Carnival to discover how this “rainbow nation” is waking up to its legacy as the world’s largest slave economy.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 04 - Mexico & Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet
Documentary, Series
United States
In Mexico and Peru, Professor Gates explores the almost unknown history of slavory and the worlds of culture that their descendants have created.

Boston's Latin Quarter
United States
The Latin Quarter, a Latinx neighborhood in the middle of Jamaica Plain in Boston, serves as an example of community, resilience, and growth.

Burning Night
Breve miragem de sol
Drama, Fiction
Brazil, France, Argentina
Along with the lonely cab driver Paulo, the night and Rio de Janeiro are the main protagonists of the new film by Eryk Rocha (awarded at Cannes'16 for Cinema Novo).

Calls from Moscow
Llamadas desde Moscú
Cuba, Germany, Norway
An apartment in Moscow becomes the stage for one day in the lives of four queer Cuban exiles, shortly before Putin’s invasion of Ukraine changes everything.

Fiction, Drama
Dominican Republic, Argentina
Sara and her nanny Yarisa have a relationship that transcends class and race: they are close to a daughter-mother; but an accident will test their intimate loyalty.

City of God - Ten Years Later
Cidade de deus -10 anos depois
An investigation into the fate of the young actors who participated in the award winning film City of God, directed by Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund, featuring actress Alice Braga (Queen of the South) and musician and actor Seu Jorge, among others.

Photographer Christian Cravo travels through Africa, exploring his efforts to overcome traumas while navigating familial disagreements and memories.

Diaspora Drums
Tambores da diáspora
Documentary, Musical
Using stories, batucadas, and songs, Diaspora Drums addresses a political and cultural vision embedded in the course of two African drums and their ramifications in Brazil.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 01 - Brazil: Stronger Together
Brazil: Stronger Together
Documentary, Series
In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, transporters wait to cross the most difficult passages, sometimes surfing in the mud with their enormous vehicle.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 05 - Cuba: Viva la Vida
Cuba: Viva la vida
Documentary, Series
In Cuba, no matter the obstacles, people keep smiling and moving forward.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 07 - Brazil: Dust and Fire
Brésil: De poussière et de feu
Documentary, Series
Chica delivers a precious good that cannot wait in Brazil: materials to build a football field. Evandro transports children and workers aboard an antediluvian pick-up truck.

Dreams of Chonta
Documentary, Musical
Colombia, United States
Diego, an Afro-Colombian musician, leaves his family behind on the Pacific Coast of Colombia, and endures a solitary life as an undocumented immigrant and a minimum wage job at a cemetery all to become an ambassador of his music and culture in NY.

El Blanco
Drama, Fiction
Dominican Republic
Genesis has been forced into marriage with a white foreigner known as El Blanco "to improve her race", but finds herself unable to get pregnant.

United States, Dominican Republic
When the Dominican Republic’s Supreme Court stripped the citizenship of anyone with Haitian parents, Elena becomes the face of the struggle against the opaque bureaucratic process and a racist, hostile society, to stay in a country built on the labor of her forefathers.

Enough with Catcalling
Chega de fiu fiu
While the #MeToo Movement united sexual harassment victims throughout the world, this crucial documentary explores the public space as a place of violence for women—especially sexual harassment. It analyzes how feminist campaigns have changed power relationships between men and women in the streets of Brazil.

Faith and Fury
Fé e fúria
Focusing on evangelical drug dealers in Brazilian slums, the film depicts the rise and power of the evangelical faith and its power in Brazil today.

Foreign Soldier
Soldado estrangeiro
A war documentary in which cameras and weapons merge to talk about young Brazilians so eager for war that they leave their now peaceful country to find it.

A showcase of modern Cuban culture and the centuries of history that precede it.

I, Prisoner, Ep. 01 - Mothers
Documentary, Series
What happens to a family when a mother goes to prison? How is day-to-day life in the mother-child ward of a penitentiary? A portrait of women behind bars.

I, Prisoner, Ep. 02 - Provisory Sentencing
Documentary, Series
More than a third of the country's prisoners are provisional, that is, they were arrested before trial. What does this mean? Why do we arrest first and judge later?

I, Prisoner, Ep. 03 - LGBTQ+ in Prison
LGBTs no cárcere
Documentary, Series
The LGBTQ+ community represent the most vulnerable segment within the prison system. What is life like in an LGBTQ+ wing of a São Paulo prison?

I, Prisoner, Ep. 04 - Minors
De menor
Documentary, Series
Socio-educational system or gateway to the prison system? How do the Brazilian organizations CASA Foundations and the former FEBEMs work?

I, Prisoner, Ep. 05 - Work in Prison
Documentary, Series
Is inmates’ work while in prison of any use on the outside, after the sentence has been served? Or is it just to help pass the time inside?

I, Prisoner, Ep. 07 - Alternative Sentencing
Penas alternativas
Documentary, Series
There are other types of sentencing besides prison. Community service, reflective groups, and restorative justice. In this episode we'll talk about alternative sentencing.

I, Prisoner, Ep. 08 - After Prison
Eu, um expreso
Documentary, Series
What does it mean to be an ex-convict? How much is the resume of a person who has left the prison system worth? We delve into the lives of three people after prison.

La Soledad
La soledad
Drama, Fiction
Venezuela, Canada, Italy
Handyman José lives with his family in La Soledad, a ramshackle villa located in what was once among Caracas’ most affluent neighborhoods. Might a fabled treasure supposedly hidden in La Soledad’s walls offer José’s family a chance at a better life?

Let It Burn
Diz a ela que me viu chorar
A gritty observation of precarious romance, debauchery, and heartbreak between addicts living in a São Paulo hotel.

Los Hongos
Fiction, Drama
During the day, street artists RAS and Calvin band together with other graffiti artists to paint a tribute to student demonstrators.

Fiction, Drama
Colombia, France
Mateo agrees to infiltrate a local theatre group to reveal its members’ political activities. Enthralled with the troupe's lifestyle, he's under pressure to incriminate the actors.

Miriam Lies
Miriam miente
Drama, Fiction
Spain, Dominican Republic
A quinceañera celebration exposes how racial prejudices affect a teenage girl’s choices, while shooting sharp criticism at the heart and mind of Caribbean society.

On the Starting Line
La arrancada
Cuba, France
This intimate family chronicle, seen from the perspective of two women, unfolds the portrait of a generation unsure of what’s next in Cuba.

Panama Canal Stories
Historias del Canal
Drama, Fiction, Romance
Spanning a century, from 1913 to 2013, this impressive, sweeping historical drama chronicles five incredible stories of people who helped build the famous canal and Panama itself.

Perro Bomba
Perro bomba
Drama, Fiction
Chile, France
Steevens is a young Haitian immigrant living a challenging, but somewhat stable life in Santiago de Chile: he has a construction job, a home, friends, and fun. This precariously balanced life is disrupted when a childhood friend arrives seeking assistance to establish himself.

Present Tense, Ep. 01 - The Agro that Is Toxic
O agro que é tóxic
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 02 - Alive and Strong
Vivas e fortes
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 03 - Survivors
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 04 - The City Is Ours
A cidade é nossa
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 05 - Education that Transforms
Educação que transforma
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 06 - Black Genocide
Genocídio negro
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 07 - Racist Inequality
Desigualdade racista
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 08 - Hidden Hunger
Fome oculta
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 09 - Precariousness of Work
Precarização do trabalho
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 10 - Full, Universal, and Free
Integral, universal e gratuita
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 11 - Fake News
Fake News
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 12 - Struggle for Land
Luta pela terra
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 13 - Invisible Mud
Lama invisível
Documentary, Series
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Return to Cuba
Volver a Cuba
Cuba, Canada
After 18 years living in Italy, Barbara Ramos returns to live in the town of Santa Clara, in Cuba, her homeland. Through the projects of family and friends, she discovers what has changed, what hasn’t, and what will likely never change in her country.

Roberto Clemente
United States
Explore the life of Roberto Clemente, the man who broke racial barriers to become baseball’s first Latino superstar.

Seeds: Black Women in Power
Sementes: Mulheres pretas no poder
The 2018 elections turned into the biggest political uprising led by Black women in Brazil's history, in response to the brutal execution of Marielle Franco.

Fiction, Drama
Colombian fisherman Turco yearns to return to the land he abandoned years ago due to an ongoing conflict. When his son is killed, it shatters Turco's dreams of returning.

Song for Cuba
Documentary, Experimental
A young Cuban couple chart a new course for themselves on an island in the North Atlantic.

The City of the Future
A cidade do futuro
Drama, Romance, Fiction
A beautiful naturalistic film that shuns convention, embracing love in all its dazzling iterations.

The Companion
El acompañante
Drama, Fiction, Thriller
Set in 1988 Cuba as the government dispatched HIV patients to AIDS centers under military rule, The Companion narrates the unlikely friendship between a boxing champion and a conflictive patient.

The Forgotten Boys of Brazil
Menino 23 - Infâncas Perdidas no Brasil
During the 1930s, fifty black boys were taken from an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro and led to a farm where they were identified by numbers and subjected to slave labor by a family that was part of the political, military, and economic elite of the country while proclaming their affinity for the Nazi ideology.

The Plastic Turtle
La tortuga de plástico
Sea turtle faces survival challenges.

Unconscious Revealed
Inconscientes revelados
An examination of racial issues in Brazil from its historical formation, including Black representation in markets, entrepreneurial women, generational patterns, and the lingering scar of racism.

Water Steps
Los pasos del agua
Drama, Fiction
Two fishermen in a forgotten hamlet near the Cauca river find a dead body in their net and, opting not to inform authorities, decide to bury it.

We All Like Plantain
A todos nos gusta el plátano
Documentary, Experimental
Seven black people living in Spain try to craft a film that delves into self-representation. A powerful exploration of identity and community.

You and Me
Tú y yo
Documentary, Comedy, Drama
Dominican Republic
The Mrs., a 70-year-old widow, and Aridia, her young maid, live in isolation in a house in Santo Domingo where domestic chores keep them occupied.