
Víctor Palacios | Documentary

2014 | 61 minutes | Colombia

In the Afro-descendant village of Juntas de Yurumanguí, Holy Week is celebrated far from clerical control and with religious autonomy.


Eight hours from the bustling urban center of Buenaventura lies the remote village of Juntas de Yurumanguí, an Afro-descendant community that has maintained autonomy over its religious practices for generations. Each year, the community celebrates Holy Week, an event that transcends the boundaries of conventional clerical authority. Here, the blend of Catholicism and indigenous spiritual elements creates a unique form of worship, reflecting the rich syncretic traditions passed down through centuries of resistance.

This documentary not only captures the profound spiritual significance of these ceremonies but also serves as a window into the community’s struggle for sovereignty in the face of historical and social pressures. Scholars of religious studies, African diaspora studies, and post-colonialism will find this work an invaluable resource in understanding how marginalized communities navigate the complexities of faith, autonomy, and identity in a post-colonial world.


"'Matachindé'... portrays the tradition with which a small community in the Colombian Pacific region resists the westernization of their African traditions." — El País Colombia

Main credits

Palacios, Víctor (filmmaker)

Other credits

Cinematography and editing, Víctor Palacios.

Matachindé,Víctor Palacios,Colombia,documentary,first nations,religious syncretism,syncretism,Mandinga,Manacillo,Manacillo festivities,traditions,Afro-Latin,slavery,Yurumanguí,Juntas de Yurumanguí,Yurumangui,anthropology,ethnography,Colombian Pacific coast,,afro latin america,black latin america,afro latino,afro latinx,afro latina,black latino,black latinx,black latina,afro latin,afro-americanism,afro-brazilian,afro-cuban,afro-haitian,afro-colombian,afro-dominican,afro-mexican,afro-puertorican,afro-honduran,afro-bolivian,afro-argentinian,afro-chilean,afro-peruvian,afro-nicauraguan,afro-guatemalan,afro-caribbean,diaspora,slave trade,anthropologically,cultural anthropology,forensic anthropology,anthropologist,human nature,physical anthropology,ethnocentric,ethnography,functionalism,cultures,societies,human people,human society,functionalism,globalization,ideology,pragmatism,dogmatism,social change,society,culture,identity,identity politics,culture wars,left wing,right wing,intersectionality,identity groups,civilization,literacy,humanism,cancel culture,online culture,cultural revolution,cultural diffusion,culture shock,popular culture,pop culture,material culture,cultural capital,cultural assimilation ,racism,discrimination,prejudice,ethnicity,ethnic,race studies,ethnic studies,racist,racial sensitivity,bias,prejudice,racial prejudice,ethnic prejudice,genetics,hereditary,culture,ethnic culture,ethnology,ethnography,ethnic sensitivity,religion,spirituality,organized religion,soul,spiritual beliefs,religious beliefs,belief systems,branches of religion,religious sects,sects,gods and goddesses,monotheism,theism,pantheism,polytheism,spiritual awakening,sociology,anthropology,psychology,sociological,sociological perspectives,conflict theory,human conflicts,sociological thinking,conflict perspective,topics in sociology,sociology topics,sociology studies,social studies,people and cultures,human relations,human relationships,cultural studies,culture studies ,south america,south american countries,countries in south america,argentina,bolivia,brazil,chile,colombia,ecuador,guyana,paraguay,peru,suriname,uruguay,venezuela,south american politics,south american culture,south american cuisine,south american education,south america in media,south american languages,south america history,latin american studies,caribbean american studies,island studies,latin american culture,latin american history,latin american politics, caribbean american culture,caribbean american history,caribbean american politics, latin american languages,latin american and caribbean studies,hispanic american studies,hispanic people,hispanic culture,hispanic politics; "Matachindé"; Pragda Films
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Festival de Cine y Video de la Comuna 13 La Otra Historia – Best Documentary; FICCI Cartagena International Film Festival - Catalina Award for Best Community TV Production; The Ojo al Sancocho International Festival for Alternative and Community Film and Video - Domestic Documentary Honorable Mention; Indigenous Peoples Film Festival - Special Award Moises Huentalaf Franja Afro-descendant peoples; Afro Ananse Film Festival – Best Community Documentary

DIRECTOR: Víctor Palacios


YEAR: 2014

GENRE: Documentary


COLOR / B&W: Color

GRADE LEVEL: College, Adult



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