Browse Films


Drama, Comedy, Fiction Spain
Renowned Mexican actress Cecilia Suárez stars in a story of reconciliation set in Melilla, an autonomous, Spanish city on Africa’s north coast where Jews, Muslims, and Christians come together.

Alice Júnior

Comedy, Fiction Brazil
Alice Júnior is a celebration of rebellious youth that offers the potential for future generations to rethink outdated perspectives of gender, sexuality, and differences as a whole.

The Apizaco Shaman

El brujo de Apizaco
Documentary Mexico
The stormy life of Mexican bullfighter Rodolfo Rodríguez González and his alter ego "THE PANA," who worked as a baker, gravedigger, and bundles loader before becoming a bullfighter.

The Apostate

El apóstata
Drama, Fiction, Comedy France, Uruguay
An existential comedy about a young man in the increasingly quixotic quest of formally having his name struck from the Catholic church’s baptismal record.

Arid Zone

Zona árida
Documentary Brazil
Brazilian director Fernanda Pessoa was 15 years old and experienced being a foreign exchange student for one year in conservative Mesa, AR. Now she’s back to try to understand her experience.

Atempa, Dreams by the River

Atempa, sueños a la orilla del rio
Documentary Mexico
Tino considers herself neither male nor female, but rather a “muxe,” a third gender that has been integrated into Zapotec culture.

The Awakening of the Ants

El despertar de las hormigas
Drama, Fiction Costa Rica, Spain
Isa finds herself suffocated by rigid gender roles and the cloistered, provincial thinking of a Costa Rican seaside village. She desperately imagines some other way of living.

Ayahuasca: Expansion of Consciousness

Documentary Brazil
This is a comprehensive view of Ayahuasca use, blending scientific, religious, and anthropological perspectives with the director's personal healing journey.

Bad Hombres

Documentary The Netherlands
Journalist Stef Biemans travels between Guatemala and the U.S. during the first months of the Trump Administration, to see what the so-called ‘bad hombres’ hope to find in the U.S.

Bécquer and the Witches

Bécquer y las brujas
Documentary Spain
An exploration of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer's "Letters from My Cell" and the witchcraft legends of Trasmoz, blending history, mysticism, and poetry.

Between Fire and Water

Entre fuego y agua
Documentary Colombia
Camilo is a young black man adopted by an indigenous couple in rural Colombia. Supported by his adoptive father, Camilo embarks on a journey to find his true identity and understand his two races.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 01 - Haiti & Dominican Republic: An Island Divided

Documentary, Series United States
In the Dominican Republic, Professor Gates explores how race has been socially constructed, while In Haiti, hear the story of the birth of the first-ever black republic.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 02 - Cuba: The Next Revolution

Documentary, Series United States
In Cuba, Gates finds out how the culture, religion, politics and music are linked to slave labor, and how race and racism have fared since Fidel Castro’s Communist revolution in 1959.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 03 Brazil: A Racial Paradise?

Documentary, Series United States
In Brazil, Professor Gates goes behind the façade of Carnival to discover how this “rainbow nation” is waking up to its legacy as the world’s largest slave economy.

Black in Latin America, Ep. 04 - Mexico & Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet

Documentary, Series United States
In Mexico and Peru, Professor Gates explores the almost unknown history of slavory and the worlds of culture that their descendants have created.