Featuring a mix of award-winning fiction and non-fiction films, this collection offers stimulating insights into the challenges and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community and gender non-conforming individuals in Latin America and Spain.

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The LGBTQ+ collection includes the following titles:

100 Ways to Cross the Border

Documentary United States, Mexico
A celebration of performance artist Gómez-Peña and the contributions his radical, anti-colonial art has made to conversations around border thinking, gender politics, and Latinx identity.

A Rebellion for Love

Un amor en rebeldía
Documentary Mexico
In the late 70's, Yan María Castro founded Mexico's first lesbian-feminist group. Despite discrimination, the group won its place in society.

About Thirty

Arturo a los 30
Drama, Comedy, Fiction Argentina
A comedy of errors revolving around a hapless 30-year-old named Arturo and his penchant for indiscretions as the film springs between decades.

Alice Júnior

Comedy, Fiction Brazil
Alice Júnior is a celebration of rebellious youth that offers the potential for future generations to rethink outdated perspectives of gender, sexuality, and differences as a whole.


Drama, Fiction Colombia
The transition of her body and her hidden desires lead Alma to face her inner fears and thus take the first step to love herself as she is.

Atempa, Dreams by the River

Atempa, sueños a la orilla del rio
Documentary Mexico
Tino considers herself neither male nor female, but rather a “muxe,” a third gender that has been integrated into Zapotec culture.

Bad Hair

Pelo malo
Drama, Fiction Venezuela
A nine-year-old boy’s preening obsession with straightening his hair elicits a tidal wave of homophobic panic in his hard-working mother, in this best-seller tender but clear-eyed coming-of-age film.

Bixa Travesty

Bixa travesty
Documentary Brazil
Linn da Quebrada, a Brazilian transgender singer and artist, presents a powerful and courageous feminist film-discourse on the body and its representation.

Calls from Moscow

Llamadas desde Moscú
Documentary Cuba, Germany, Norway
An apartment in Moscow becomes the stage for one day in the lives of four queer Cuban exiles, shortly before Putin’s invasion of Ukraine changes everything.


Documentary Argentina
The daily life of Canela Grandi, a trans woman nearly 60 years old. Canela exposes a complicated and positive view of the reality of a minority that is almost invisible to many.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
Joao divides his time working as a crossdresser in gay bars and acting in small plays and onscreen. Tormented by his past, he starts to merge reality with the fiction he interprets.


Documentary, Drama Mexico
Filmmaker Gian Cassini investigates several generations of men in his family caught up in violence, including his father, who was a hitman in Tijuana.

Drag Invasion

Invasión drag
Documentary Peru
In 2017, the queens of 'RuPaul's Drag Race' hit Lima, Peru, igniting monthly sold-out parties, sparking transformation in a conservative society.


Drama, Fiction Mexico
A sudden event will draw an unexpected path between Arcelia, an elderly lady, and the young Julian.


Drama, Fiction Chile
Ten years after her daughter was the victim of a hate crime, Nancy is asked to participate in an unsolved mysteries TV show that will recreate the incident.

Enough with Catcalling

Chega de fiu fiu
Documentary Brazil
While the #MeToo Movement united sexual harassment victims throughout the world, this crucial documentary explores the public space as a place of violence for women—especially sexual harassment. It analyzes how feminist campaigns have changed power relationships between men and women in the streets of Brazil.

Eva minus Candela

Eva menos Candela
Romance, Drama, Fiction Colombia
Eva and Candela come together two years after their relationship's end. While it appears that they have moved on, they still have unfinished business.

Extra Terrestres

Extra terrestres
Comedy, Drama, Fiction, Romance Venezuela, Puerto Rico
Teresa, an astrophysicist, goes back to her family in Puerto Rico to invite them to her wedding. This is not an easy task after years of tension, but a star 2.5 million light years away will help to bring them all together again.

Fabrizio's Initiation

El inicio de Fabrizio
Comedy, Romance, Fiction Argentina
Fabrizio is looking forward to the first time with his girlfriend. With ease and humor, Mariano Biasin contrasts the double standards of parents with adolescent sexual awakening.


Drama, Fiction Spain, Mexico
In Oaxaca, Finlandia explores the lives of Muxes, a Zapotec third-gender community, weaving themes of identity, resilience, and cultural authenticity.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
When non-binary Sarah and cis-jock Tom find themselves accidentally locked in a college bathroom overnight, their contrasting worldviews collide.


Drama, Fiction United States, Spain
Gin explores self-determination and bodily autonomy through Ginebra, a pregnant 15-year-old, and her strained relationship with her absent mother.

Girlfriends and Girlfriends

La amiga de mi amiga
Fiction, Comedy, Romance Spain
A five-way lesbian sitcom that takes place in the bathrooms, beds, and streets of Barcelona.


Drama, Fiction, Adventure Argentina, Paraguay
Part road movie and part coming-of-age drama, Guaraní portrays two generations of Paraguayans whose views of the world seem centuries apart. A long journey to Buenos Aires will make Atilio and Iara understand the real meaning of traditions and family bonds.

Guests Always Return

Los invitados siempre vuelven
Drama, Fiction Spain
Laura and Miguel are a perfect couple. Who wouldn’t want to live in their house?

Guido Models

Documentary Argentina
Guido Fuentes runs a modeling agency out of one of Buenos Aires biggest slums. His dream is to achieve social integration in the world of fashion. With Sonia and Delia, his two more promising models, he embarks on a journey to realize his dream and change society’s perception.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
A young soccer player has to deal with the unexpected pregnancy of his girlfriend Karine, while his childhood best friend, Bento, signs a contract with a professional team.

I, Prisoner, Ep. 03 - LGBTQ+ in Prison

LGBTs no cárcere
Documentary, Series Brazil
The LGBTQ+ community represent the most vulnerable segment within the prison system. What is life like in an LGBTQ+ wing of a São Paulo prison?


Las analfabetas
Drama, Fiction, Romance Chile
Ximena is an illiterate woman in her fifties who has learned to live on her own in order to keep her illiteracy a secret. Jackeline is a young unemployed elementary school teacher who tries to convince Ximena to take reading classes.

In the High School

En el instituto
Drama, Fiction Spain
In high school, Angel studies, learns, grows up and has fun.

Karina's Suit

El traje de Karina
Drama, Fiction Colombia
Muete, a deserter from an armed group, visits his cousin Karina, a transgender sex worker with whom he shares a past.

Let It Burn

Diz a ela que me viu chorar
Documentary Brazil
A gritty observation of precarious romance, debauchery, and heartbreak between addicts living in a São Paulo hotel.

Liquid Truth

Aos teus olhos
Drama, Fiction Brazil
An incisive look at the dangers of selfies and social media culture and how they can be used (or misused) to expose and taint a person’s character.

Motorcyclist’s Happiness Won't Fit Into His Suit

Al motociclista no le cabe la felicidad en el traje
Fiction, Drama, Experimental Mexico
There he sits proudly on his beautiful motorbike, certain that he alone can explore the jungle. A playful re-enactment with reversed roles that takes aim at colonialism.

My Emptiness and I

Mi vacío y yo
Drama, Fiction Spain
Working at a Barcelona call center, romantic dreamer Raphi grapples with her gender dysphoria diagnosis. As she chases an elusive image of modern love, surprises and shifts await. A queer film classic.

Naomi Campbell, It's Not Easy to Become a Different Person

Naomi Campbell - No es fácil convertirse en otra persona
Documentary, Experimental Chile
This award-winning Chilean film combines documentary and fiction to explore the life of a poor transgender woman named Yermen as she tries out to participate on a TV competition to win a gender reassignment surgery.

Nobody's Watching

Nadie nos mira
Drama, Fiction Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, United States
A fresh and unexpected take on the immigrant tale, where the journey is not to get a green card but confronting the true reasons for leaving home and redefining one’s identity in one’s own terms.

Now that We Are Together

Ahora que estamos juntas
Documentary Mexico
Patricia joins feminist protests and, through solidarity, self-defense, and shared joy, discovers that unity in a violent world can be revolutionary.

Nudo Mixteco

Nudo mixteco
Drama, Fiction Mexico
A quietly powerful triptych of stories that speak about the impact of migration and the plight of indigenous women in a rural Mixtec village in Oaxaca.

One Taxi Ride

Documentary Mexico, Singapore
One Taxi Ride is an observational documentary that tells the intimate story of a male rape survivor. Erick’s innermost thoughts, fears, struggles, and triumphs weave a dramatic tale of a man fighting for a future and a life worth living. His journey impacts the world around him in a way that he never saw coming.


Beira mar
Drama, Fiction, Romance Brazil
During a weekend in the winter, two young men attempt to rekindle their friendship, witnessed by a cold raging sea.


Documentary Spain
Six trans women travel to a small town in León where they will explore what connects them as a group. An engaging and fun story about empathy, individuality, and the need to belong.

Seeds: Black Women in Power

Sementes: Mulheres pretas no poder
Documentary Brazil
The 2018 elections turned into the biggest political uprising led by Black women in Brazil's history, in response to the brutal execution of Marielle Franco.

Sensitive Material

Material sensible
Documentary Spain
We examine how photography empowers survivors of childhood sexual abuse to express themselves through powerful imagery and personal testimonies.

Sick, Sick, Sick

Sem seu sangue
Fiction, Drama Brazil, France, The Netherlands
A teenage romance starts abruptly and ends suddenly after a serious accident. Silvia gets sick, her days turning to darkness. Her mourning becomes a quest to bring him back to life.

Silence is a Falling Body

El silencio es un cuerpo que cae
Documentary Argentina
This story of political activism and sexual dissidence offers a fascinating insight into life in Argentina between the 1970s and 1990s, peeling back layers of left-wing politics, homosexuality, and AIDS as it shifts between private and public spheres, intertwining the personal and the political. 

Southern District

Zona sur
Drama, Fiction, Comedy, Romance Bolivia
Bolivia’s official entry for the Academy® Awards, this searing portrait of a patrician family in flux exposes the bubble of decadence in which they exist. The threat of shifting aristocratic privilege heralds a new era in a seemingly interminable class war.

Stories Our Cinema Did (Not) Tell

Histórias que nosso cinema (nāo) contava
Documentary Brazil
A review of the military dictatorship in Brazil told only through images and sounds from pornochanchada films, a genre of erotic film that was the most popular during that period.


Drama, Fiction, Romance, Musical Argentina
A thoughtful and tender handling of a teen’s emerging sexuality. When a teenager falls for his best friend, turbulent emotions brew beneath the surface.

Summer Hit

Drama, Fiction, Romance Germany
Laia from Spain and Emil from Iceland are exchange students in Munich. After having sex a couple of times, Emil professes his love to Laia, who panics. It it just a summer fling?

Swimming Pool

Fiction, Comedy Spain
Santi (Ferrán Vilajosana) and Jota (Álex Villazán) are living in the outskirts of Madrid. Like many others, they have decided not to study or work, spending their time drinking beer.

The Beach of the Enchaquirados

La playa de los Enchaquirados
Documentary Ecuador
Vicky balances her physically tough fishing work at sea with feminine elegance in her private life. Through her, we get to know a trans community that is part of a fishing village on the coast of Ecuador. Over time, do we learn to accept the other or, instead, do differences cloud our ability to see?

The City of the Future

A cidade do futuro
Drama, Romance, Fiction Brazil
A beautiful naturalistic film that shuns convention, embracing love in all its dazzling iterations.

The Companion

El acompañante
Drama, Fiction, Thriller Cuba
Set in 1988 Cuba as the government dispatched HIV patients to AIDS centers under military rule, The Companion narrates the unlikely friendship between a boxing champion and a conflictive patient.

The Deer

Drama, Fiction Spain
Khalil is a rootless young man who lives in the city’s margins, spending his days with a poacher who shares a house with a brother he has not talked to for years. On the shores of the marsh, the tides mark the time for love and indifference, friendship and revenge.

The Journey of Monalisa

Documentary Chile, United States
Chilean-born performer and writer Iván Monalisa fully embraces his / her dual selves: scrappy, masculine Iván as well as diva, transvestite sex-worker Monalisa.

The Orphan

O órfão
Drama, Fiction Brazil
Jonathas has been adopted, but it doesn't take long until he is returned because he is "different" from the other kids. Inspired by true events.

The Travel Agent

Pequeñas mentiras piadosas
Documentary Cuba, Spain, Italy
From her tiny office overlooking the U.S. Interests Section, 58-year old Lourdes counsels thousands of Cubans seeking a U.S. travel visas. She coaches them on answering tricky questions, fine-tuning their stories so they have a better chance of succeeding.

Transit Havana

Documentary Cuba, Germany, The Netherlands
The journeys of transgender individuals in Cuba as they navigate societal challenges and wait for annual surgeries provided by visiting surgeons.

War Animals

Animales de guerra
Drama, Fiction Colombia
The night before the wrestling final, Antonio and Rubén, stuck in a hotel, search for distractions from their desires as they wander.


Documentary Spain
Women share their experiences and reasons for rejecting traditional motherhood ideals.