Portuguese Language Films

A journey through Brazilian cinema celebrating the musicality of the Portuguese language. From heartwarming comedies to thought-provoking documentaries, these titles explore the country’s language and cultural heritage.

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The Portuguese Language Films collection includes the following titles:

A Bruddah's Mind

Cabeça de nêgo
Drama, Fiction Brazil
A reminder of the importance of activism, political engagement, and the sacrifices that come with it, A Bruddah’s Mind follows Saulo, a black introvert student and fan of the Black Panther Movement, as he challenges his school in the largely white city of Fortaleza.

A Strange Path

Estranho Caminho
Drama, Fiction Brazil
A young filmmaker returns to his hometown and attempts to reconnect with his father as the pandemic rapidly accelerates across Brazil.

After Spring

Depois da primavera
Documentary Brazil
Syrian brothers Adel and Hadi Bakkour take to the streets of Rio de Janeiro to fight for democracy in the country where they found refuge.

Alice Júnior

Comedy, Fiction Brazil
Alice Júnior is a celebration of rebellious youth that offers the potential for future generations to rethink outdated perspectives of gender, sexuality, and differences as a whole.

Amazon Mirror

O Reflexo do Lago
Documentary Brazil
During the 1980s, Brazil's military dictatorship erected a massive Amazon dam, leaving residents without electricity for 40 years. A film crew explores the decision to stay.

António One Two Three

António um dois três
Fiction, Comedy, Drama Brazil
António is thrown out of the house by his father after he receives an anonymous tip that his son hasn’t been at school for a year.

Arid Zone

Zona árida
Documentary Brazil
Brazilian director Fernanda Pessoa was 15 years old and experienced being a foreign exchange student for one year in conservative Mesa, AR. Now she’s back to try to understand her experience.

At the Gates Of Hell, Ep. 05 - Threatened - Brazilian Amazon

Amenazados - Amazonia brasileña
Documentary, Series Spain
In parts of the Amazon, protecting your ancestral land can be a death sentence. We meet with the environmental heroes and those who will do anything to get their hands on these resources.

Ayahuasca: Expansion of Consciousness

Documentary Brazil
This is a comprehensive view of Ayahuasca use, blending scientific, religious, and anthropological perspectives with the director's personal healing journey.

Bixa Travesty

Bixa travesty
Documentary Brazil
Linn da Quebrada, a Brazilian transgender singer and artist, presents a powerful and courageous feminist film-discourse on the body and its representation.

Black and White Democracy

Democracia em preto e branco
Documentary, Musical Brazil
Follow Brazil's transition from dictatorship to democracy through three narratives: demands for free elections, Brazilian rock groups, and the Corinthian democracy football movement.

Blooming on the Asphalt

Germinio pétalas no asfalto
Documentary Brazil
A vibrant and inspiring documentary that captures the resilience and strength of queer Brazilian youth.

Brazil: A Time to Build

Brasil, país do presente?
Documentary Brazil
How is the new generation of Brazilians feeling about the conflicting situation of the country? Diplomat, writer, and filmmaker Gustavo Westmann brings to the screen a renewed type of debate on Brazil in the 21st century.

Building Bridges

Construindo pontes
Documentary Brazil
An exploration of the possible relationship between Heloísa, the filmmaker, and her father, an engineer who had his moment of glory during the Brazilian military dictatorship.

Burning Night

Breve miragem de sol
Drama, Fiction Brazil, France, Argentina
Along with the lonely cab driver Paulo, the night and Rio de Janeiro are the main protagonists of the new film by Eryk Rocha (awarded at Cannes'16 for Cinema Novo).


Documentary Brazil
The febrile portrait of a Brazilian city in transformation, haunted by its ghosts from the past.

Carretera Cartonera: Discover the World of Cartonera Publishers

Carretera cartonera
Documentary Italy
Carretera Cartonera travel across Latin America to understand Cartonera book production. What they find is a diverse and vast array of citizens and cooperatives committed to using literary production as a means of fighting for social justice, economic equality, and a more sustainable world.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
Joao divides his time working as a crossdresser in gay bars and acting in small plays and onscreen. Tormented by his past, he starts to merge reality with the fiction he interprets.

City of God - Ten Years Later

Cidade de deus -10 anos depois
Documentary Brazil
An investigation into the fate of the young actors who participated in the award winning film City of God, directed by Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund, featuring actress Alice Braga (Queen of the South) and musician and actor Seu Jorge, among others.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
Bianca manages a precarious living as a talented but underemployed actress troubled by the belief that she has missed her big break. But an audition leads to a rare opportunity.


Documentary Brazil
Photographer Christian Cravo travels through Africa, exploring his efforts to overcome traumas while navigating familial disagreements and memories.

Diaspora Drums

Tambores da diáspora
Documentary, Musical Brazil
Using stories, batucadas, and songs, Diaspora Drums addresses a political and cultural vision embedded in the course of two African drums and their ramifications in Brazil.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 01 - Brazil: Stronger Together

Brazil: Stronger Together
Documentary, Series France
In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, transporters wait to cross the most difficult passages, sometimes surfing in the mud with their enormous vehicle.

Dicing with Death, Ep. 07 - Brazil: Dust and Fire

Brésil: De poussière et de feu
Documentary, Series France
Chica delivers a precious good that cannot wait in Brazil: materials to build a football field. Evandro transports children and workers aboard an antediluvian pick-up truck.

Enough with Catcalling

Chega de fiu fiu
Documentary Brazil
While the #MeToo Movement united sexual harassment victims throughout the world, this crucial documentary explores the public space as a place of violence for women—especially sexual harassment. It analyzes how feminist campaigns have changed power relationships between men and women in the streets of Brazil.

Eternal Amazon

Amazônia eterna
Documentary Brazil
A critical analysis of how the world’s largest tropical rainforest is understood and utilized. The film asks whether it is possible for humans to make sustainable use the Amazon by featuring nine successful projects that directly benefit the local population and foster good economic partnerships.

Faith and Fury

Fé e fúria
Documentary Brazil
Focusing on evangelical drug dealers in Brazilian slums, the film depicts the rise and power of the evangelical faith and its power in Brazil today.

Father’s Chair

A busca
Drama, Fiction Brazil
Theo is a successful doctor in the wealthy suburbs of São Paulo. Having always placed his job before his family, he is a failure as both a father and husband. But when his 15-year-old son disappears, selling all of his belongings and leaving town on a newly acquired black stallion, Theo goes to great lengths not only to find his son, but to rediscover himself.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
When non-binary Sarah and cis-jock Tom find themselves accidentally locked in a college bathroom overnight, their contrasting worldviews collide.

Foreign Soldier

Soldado estrangeiro
Documentary Brazil
A war documentary in which cameras and weapons merge to talk about young Brazilians so eager for war that they leave their now peaceful country to find it.

From the Land to Your Table

¿Qué culpa tiene el tomate?
Documentary, Experimental Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Spain, Venezuela
From the Land to Your Table shows the perspectives of seven Ibero-American filmmakers as they capture the conditions and cultural diversity of popular produce markets in their individual countries.

Good Manners

As boas maneiras
Fiction, Comedy, Drama, Thriller Brazil
When lonely nurse Clara is hired as a nanny by wealthy Ana, she hardly expects the dark secrets which will engulf all that they hold dear.

Green Screen Gringo

Documentary, Experimental The Netherlands
Behind a green screen, a foreigner finds his way in an enchanting, and yet turbulent, Brazil.

Grey City

Cidade cinza
Documentary Brazil
A new form of graffiti was in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The works of artists such as Os Gêmeos, Nunca, and Nina spread from city streets to art galleries and museums around the world. When City Hall implemented a law to “combat visual pollution”, a graffiti war against the local government is unleashed.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
The everyday life of a tenement seen through the eyes of Helen, a 9-year-old girl on a journey to save money to buy her grandmother a birthday present: a complete makeup set.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
A young soccer player has to deal with the unexpected pregnancy of his girlfriend Karine, while his childhood best friend, Bento, signs a contract with a professional team.

I Owe You a Letter About Brazil

Fico te devendo uma carta sobre o Brasil
Documentary Brazil
An investigation into the persistence of silence as a tool to erase memory in Brazil.

I Travel Because I Have to I Come Back Because I Love You

Viajo porque preciso, volto porque te amo
Documentary, Experimental, Romance, Fiction Brazil
In this award-winning and hauntingly melancholic film, geologist José Renato travels to Sertão, an isolated region in Northeastern Brazil, to assess possible routes for a canal. For many, the canal will be a source of hope, but for those living on its direct course it only means requisitions, departure, and loss.

I, Prisoner, Ep. 01 - Mothers

Documentary, Series Brazil
What happens to a family when a mother goes to prison? How is day-to-day life in the mother-child ward of a penitentiary? A portrait of women behind bars.

I, Prisoner, Ep. 02 - Provisory Sentencing

Documentary, Series Brazil
More than a third of the country's prisoners are provisional, that is, they were arrested before trial. What does this mean? Why do we arrest first and judge later?

I, Prisoner, Ep. 03 - LGBTQ+ in Prison

LGBTs no cárcere
Documentary, Series Brazil
The LGBTQ+ community represent the most vulnerable segment within the prison system. What is life like in an LGBTQ+ wing of a São Paulo prison?

I, Prisoner, Ep. 04 - Minors

De menor
Documentary, Series Brazil
Socio-educational system or gateway to the prison system? How do the Brazilian organizations CASA Foundations and the former FEBEMs work?

I, Prisoner, Ep. 05 - Work in Prison

Documentary, Series Brazil
Is inmates’ work while in prison of any use on the outside, after the sentence has been served? Or is it just to help pass the time inside?

I, Prisoner, Ep. 07 - Alternative Sentencing

Penas alternativas
Documentary, Series Brazil
There are other types of sentencing besides prison. Community service, reflective groups, and restorative justice. In this episode we'll talk about alternative sentencing.

I, Prisoner, Ep. 08 - After Prison

Eu, um expreso
Documentary, Series Brazil
What does it mean to be an ex-convict? How much is the resume of a person who has left the prison system worth? We delve into the lives of three people after prison.


Drama Brazil
Joana wants her period. Dudu wants his father. Verbena, who nobody invited, doesn't disclose what she wants.


Documentary Brazil
A geographer returns to Minas Gerais after a mining disaster, exposing the region’s history of exploitation and the human cost of resource extraction.


Documentary Brazil, Uganda
It’s the first time Brazilian Joana visits her friend Kevin in Uganda after a 20-year friendship as students. A film about friendship between two women — different, and the same.

Kobra Self-Portrait

KOBRA Auto-Retrato
Documentary Brazil
A chronicle of multifaceted Brazilian street artist Eduardo Kobra’s evolution from a rebellious youth clandestinely graffiting São Paulo’s streets to a global peace activist known for his NYC expansive murals.


Documentary Brazil
An insight into every day life of Brazilian Landless Workers Movement's, divided between tilling the land, political activism, and talk of what a better future might look like.

Latin Wars

América armada
Documentary Brazil
Threatened with death, three activist in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico fight against violence fueled by the State and the arms industry using information, awareness, and affection.

Left Entranced

Documentary Brazil
A cinematographic opera, a musical version of the events that shook Brazil and the political left in 2016.

Let It Burn

Diz a ela que me viu chorar
Documentary Brazil
A gritty observation of precarious romance, debauchery, and heartbreak between addicts living in a São Paulo hotel.

Liquid Truth

Aos teus olhos
Drama, Fiction Brazil
An incisive look at the dangers of selfies and social media culture and how they can be used (or misused) to expose and taint a person’s character.

Long Way Home

Drama, Fiction Brazil
After moving to the town of Contagem in Brazil for a new job, Juliana waits for her husband to join her. As she waits for him, she tries to adapt to her new life while trying to overcome her past.

Man of the Crowd

O homem das multidões
Drama, Fiction Brazil
A Brazilian take on contemporary alienation, loosely based on the Edgar Allan Poe story published in 1840.

Marina Abramovic in Brazil: The Space in Between

Documentary Brazil
Marina Abramović travels through Brazil in search of personal healing and artistic inspiration, experiencing sacred rituals and revealing her creative process.

Marina's Ocean

Marina não vai à praia
Drama, Fiction Brazil
A 15-year-old girl yearns to see the ocean, but her disability interferes. Unable to travel to the beach with her sister and friends, Marina strikes out on an adventure of her own.


Documentary Brazil
Filmed over the course of 40 years, indigenous expert and filmmaker Vincent Carelli seeks out the origins of the Guaraní Kaiowá genocide. A conflict of disproportionate forces: the peaceful and obstinate insurgency of the dispossessed Guaraní Kaiowá against the powerful apparatus of agribusiness.

Miúcha, the Voice of Bossa Nova

Miúcha, a voz da Bossa Nova
Documentary United States, Brazil, France
Unseen footage, rare recordings, and vibrant animations unveil the hidden story behind the Bossa Nova movement from Miucha’s distinctly female perspective.

My Name is Daniel

Meu nome é Daniel
Documentary Brazil
Daniel de Castro Gonçalves, born with an undiagnosed disability, embarks on a personal documentary in Rio, tracing his life's journey to uncover the truth behind his condition.


Documentary Brazil
At 85 years old, Brazilian archaeologist Niéde Guidon looks back on a career including discovering cave drawings and devising a new theory on man's arrival on the American continent.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
In the heavily populated city of São Paulo, a young architect discovers a clandestine cemetery underneath the construction site of his latest project.


Drama, Comedy, Fiction Brazil
Pacarrete, an old, crazy ballet dancer from Russas, Brazil, just wants to keep her dreams alive.

Present Tense, Ep. 01 - The Agro that Is Toxic

O agro que é tóxic
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 02 - Alive and Strong

Vivas e fortes
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 03 - Survivors

Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 04 - The City Is Ours

A cidade é nossa
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 06 - Black Genocide

Genocídio negro
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 07 - Racist Inequality

Desigualdade racista
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 08 - Hidden Hunger

Fome oculta
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 09 - Precariousness of Work

Precarização do trabalho
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 10 - Full, Universal, and Free

Integral, universal e gratuita
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 11 - Fake News

Fake News
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 12 - Struggle for Land

Luta pela terra
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Present Tense, Ep. 13 - Invisible Mud

Lama invisível
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

River Silence

Documentary Canada
As construction of one of the world’s largest dams destroys the Amazon’s ancient ecosystems, the filmmaker offers a plea for those brutalized for rampant development.

Russian Red

Vermelho russo
Drama, Fiction, Comedy, Adventure Brazil
Marta and Manu are two Brazilian actresses that decide to move to Moscow to study the Stanislavski method. There, wrapped inside a love triangle, they overcome their differences.

Samadhi Road

Documentary Brazil, Portugal
From the directors’ childhood in India to interviews with worldwide personalities, the film promises an immersive experience in the human experience.

Schools in Fight

Escolas em luta
Documentary Brazil
Schools in Fight follows the students as they fight for their right to an education. Through interviews and cameras inside the buildings, operated by the same students, the film throws light on a generation that dared to face that autocratic gesture of the State.


Beira mar
Drama, Fiction, Romance Brazil
During a weekend in the winter, two young men attempt to rekindle their friendship, witnessed by a cold raging sea.

Secrets from Putumayo

Segredos do Putumayo
Documentary Brazil
A documentary about the man widely considered to be the pioneer of international human rights inquiries, Roger Casement (1864-1916). His work in Africa, Brazil, and his native Ireland still has repercussions today.

Seeds: Black Women in Power

Sementes: Mulheres pretas no poder
Documentary Brazil
The 2018 elections turned into the biggest political uprising led by Black women in Brazil's history, in response to the brutal execution of Marielle Franco.

Sick, Sick, Sick

Sem seu sangue
Fiction, Drama Brazil, France, The Netherlands
A teenage romance starts abruptly and ends suddenly after a serious accident. Silvia gets sick, her days turning to darkness. Her mourning becomes a quest to bring him back to life.

Sieged: The Press vs. Denialism

Cercados: Naimprensa contra o negacionismo na pandemia
Documentary Brazil
Leading through a pandemic with denialism and propaganda, Bolsonaro took his country to the edge of disaster while journalists warned the country of a public health disaster.

Sisters in the End of the World

Adventure, Fiction Brazil
Ana and Julia embark on a journey to find their father amidst their mother's worsening illness. Seeking freedom, they encounter an asteroid, ghosts, superpowers, and dinosaurs.


Documentary, Experimental Brazil
The vibrant tapestry of Belo Horizonte, Brazil reveals walls adorned with captivating art: stunning murals, raw graffiti, and heartfelt expressions that leave an indelible mark.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 01 - A Brief Introduction to Solidarity Economy

Breve introdução à economia solidária
Documentary, Series Brazil
From small associations to large industrial cooperatives, Solidarity Planet travels throughout Brazil to show solidarity economy enterprises in the city and in the countryside.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 02 - Agricultural Cooperation

Cooperação agrícola
Documentary, Series Brazil
From agrarian reform to solidarity economy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 03 - Agribusiness

Documentary, Series Brazil
Solidarity economy and agricultural productivity.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 04 - Recovered Companies

Empresas recuperadas
Documentary, Series Brazil
From small associations to large industrial cooperatives, Solidarity Planet travels throughout Brazil to show solidarity economy enterprises in the city and in the countryside.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 05 - Solidarity Finance

Finanças solidárias
Documentary, Series Brazil
Subverting the capitalist experience.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 06 - Culture

Documentary, Series Brazil
Cultural actions as a strategy for local, political and economic transformation.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 07 - Community-Based Tourism

Turismo de base comunitária
Documentary, Series Brazil
Defense of territory, identity and nature as a resistance strategy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 08 - Solidarity Production Network

Rede de produção solidária
Documentary, Series Brazil
Produce and cooperate to prosper.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 09 - Responsible Consumption

Consumo responsável
Documentary, Series Brazil
Consumption as a political act.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 10 - Information Technology

Tecnologia da informação
Documentary, Series Brazil
Open source economy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 11 - Public Policies

Políticas públicas
Documentary, Series Brazil
Public funding of the solidarity economy.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 12 - Selective Collection

Coleta seletiva
Documentary, Series Brazil
The residue of capitalism as a resource.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 13 - Education

Documentary, Series Brazil
Solidarity economy as pedagogical praxis.

Stories Our Cinema Did (Not) Tell

Histórias que nosso cinema (nāo) contava
Documentary Brazil
A review of the military dictatorship in Brazil told only through images and sounds from pornochanchada films, a genre of erotic film that was the most popular during that period.

Swing and Sway

Vai e vem
Documentary, Experimental United States, Brazil
Against the backdrop of a tumultuous 2020 marked by pandemics, elections, and social upheavals, the two friends embark on a thought-provoking exploration of feminist cinematic expression and the female experience.

The City of the Future

A cidade do futuro
Drama, Romance, Fiction Brazil
A beautiful naturalistic film that shuns convention, embracing love in all its dazzling iterations.

The Coup d'État Factory

A fantástica fábrica de golpes
Documentary Brazil
Brazil's long tradition of coup d'états is possible through the support of big media. Two Brazilian journalists reveal the manipulative tactics used.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 01 - The Indian Protection Service Scandal

O escândalo do serviço de proteção aos índios
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 02 - Pacification and Transfer

Pacificação e transferência
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 03 - The Pin and the Transamazonica

O pin e a transamazõnica
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 04 - From Emancipation to the Itaipu Hydroelectric Plant

Da emancipação à hidrelétrica Itaipu
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 05 - The Transnational Indigenous Movement

O movimento indígena transnacional
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Dangerous Memory, Ep. 06 - The 1988 Constitution and the Challenges of the 21st Century

A consituiçao de 1988 e os desafios do séc. XXI
Documentary, Series Brazil
An investigation into the extermination policy of the Brazilian State against indigenous populations during the civil-military dictatorship.

The Day That Lasted 21 Years

O dia que durou 21 anos
Documentary Brazil, United States
A look at how and why the United States supported a conspiracy to overthrow the Brazilian elected President Joao Goulart in 1964, when Ambassador Lincoln Gordon planned South America's longest military dictatorship with the support of Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.

The Empty Classroom

El aula vacía
Documentary, Fiction Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, El Salvador
Creative director Gael García Bernal explores the underlying reasons behind the school dropout crisis in Latin America, from poverty to societal traditions.

The Forgotten Boys of Brazil

Menino 23 - Infâncas Perdidas no Brasil
Documentary Brazil
During the 1930s, fifty black boys were taken from an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro and led to a farm where they were identified by numbers and subjected to slave labor by a family that was part of the political, military, and economic elite of the country while proclaming their affinity for the Nazi ideology.

The Orphan

O órfão
Drama, Fiction Brazil
Jonathas has been adopted, but it doesn't take long until he is returned because he is "different" from the other kids. Inspired by true events.

The Silence of the Rain

O silêncio da chuva
Fiction, Thriller Brazil
Executive Ricardo is murdered in his car. Two detectives investigate, focusing on people close to the victim. As everyone involved vanishes, the case takes unforeseen twists.

The Welles Raft

A jangada de Welles
Documentary Brazil
During Orson Welles' filming of It's All True in Brazil, a fishermen's raft vanishes at sea, evoking memories of dictatorship, WWII, and labor rights battles.

The Wind Blows the Border

Venta na fronteira
Documentary Brazil
On the violent border between Brazil and Paraguay, a battle wages between agribusiness and indigenous sovereignty.

Three Summers

Três veroes
Fiction, Drama, Comedy Brazil
Regina Casé will rely on her eye for opportunity in this brilliant comedy about gross class disparity and the infinite resourcefulness of those who never take anything for granted.

Through Ernesto's Eyes

Aos Olhos de Ernesto
Drama, Fiction Brazil
Ernesto, an 80-year-old Uruguayan photographer living in Brazil, has been facing the realities of aging such as loneliness and advancing blindness.


Fiction, Drama, Thriller Brazil
Based on the award-winning graphic novel Tungsten, the film follows an investigator as he unravels a web of mystery while pursuing a serial killer through a bleak cityscape.

Unconscious Revealed

Inconscientes revelados
Documentary Brazil
An examination of racial issues in Brazil from its historical formation, including Black representation in markets, entrepreneurial women, generational patterns, and the lingering scar of racism.


Drama, Fiction, Romance Brazil
Based on short stories by Hilda Hilst, Unicorn mixes fantasy and fairytale to tell the story of a 13-year-old girl living with her mother in an isolated cottage in the countryside.

Way Back Home

La vuelta a casa
Drama, Fiction Brazil
A retiree waits for a visit from family that doesn't happen. His gardener offers him a lift home, but when he gets there, a surprise jogs his memory.

We Still Have the Deep Black Night

Ainda tenemos a imensidao da noite
Drama, Fiction Brazil
Karen, a trumpeter and singer, decides to go to Germany to consolidate her career.

Where I Grow Old

Cidade onde envelheço
Drama, Fiction Brazil, Portugal
A deep friendship grows between two Portuguese women living in Brazil, forcing them to deal with conflicting desires: a will to leave for an unknown country and a longing for home.