We Still Have the Deep Black Night

(Ainda tenemos a imensidao da noite)
Gustavo Galvão | Drama, Fiction

2019 | 97 minutes | Brazil

Karen, a trumpeter and singer, decides to go to Germany to consolidate her career.


Starring real musicians as protagonists, We Still Have the Deep Black Night pulsates an unparalleled musical intensity rarely seen in contemporary Brazilian cinema.

Karen, a trumpeter and vocalist tired of struggling for recognition with her rock band in Brasília, decides to embark on a journey following her former bandmate Artur to Berlin. Invited by Martin, a German friend, with whom they form an unpredictable triangle. When months later Karen finds herself back in Brasília, she is forced to confront her role in the city her grandfather helped build and reevaluate the significance of art in her life.

Through compelling performances and evocative storytelling, this film offers a captivating exploration of ambition, belonging, artistic expression, and the enduring power of music.


"Remarkable poignacy" — Scream & Yell

"Beautiful to see and to live" — O Estado de S— Paulo

"The limits between art and survival" — Estado de Minas

Main credits

Galvão, Gustavo (film director)
Galvão, Gustavo (screenwriter)
Galvão, Gustavo (film producer)
Silveira, Sara (film producer)
Gresta, Ayla (actor)
Halfeld, Gustavo (actor)
Lange, Steven (actor)

Other credits

Cinematography, André Carvalheira; editing, Marcius Barbieri; music, Nicolau Andrade, Munha da 7, Animal Interior.

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Brazilia Festival of Brazilian Cinema - Best Editing, Best Cinematography; BAFICI Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema - Best Performance

DIRECTOR: Gustavo Galvão


YEAR: 2019

GENRE: Drama, Fiction

LANGUAGE: Portuguese

COLOR / B&W: Color

GRADE LEVEL: High School, College, Adult



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