Student Life

A nuanced portrayal of the academic journey and the multifaceted experiences that shape it, capturing the essence of growth and the pursuit of knowledge.

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The Student Life collection includes the following titles:

7 Weeks

7 semanas
Drama, Fiction Chile
Based on true events, 7 Weeks touches upon the politics of pro-choice and the rights to one’s body that still generate heated discussions. A necessary film to open the conversation on the topic in an intelligent manner.

A Bruddah's Mind

Cabeça de nêgo
Drama, Fiction Brazil
A reminder of the importance of activism, political engagement, and the sacrifices that come with it, A Bruddah’s Mind follows Saulo, a black introvert student and fan of the Black Panther Movement, as he challenges his school in the largely white city of Fortaleza.

Album for the Youth

Álbum para la juventud
Fiction, Drama, Comedy Argentina
Pedro & Sol, fresh out of high school, embrace their passions: Sol revisits music, and Pedro secretly dives into writing. Unbeknownst, they mature.

Alice Júnior

Comedy, Fiction Brazil
Alice Júnior is a celebration of rebellious youth that offers the potential for future generations to rethink outdated perspectives of gender, sexuality, and differences as a whole.


Drama, Fiction Colombia
The transition of her body and her hidden desires lead Alma to face her inner fears and thus take the first step to love herself as she is.

António One Two Three

António um dois três
Fiction, Comedy, Drama Brazil
António is thrown out of the house by his father after he receives an anonymous tip that his son hasn’t been at school for a year.

Arid Zone

Zona árida
Documentary Brazil
Brazilian director Fernanda Pessoa was 15 years old and experienced being a foreign exchange student for one year in conservative Mesa, AR. Now she’s back to try to understand her experience.

Bad Influence

Mala junta
Fiction, Drama Chile
A reflection of the ongoing Mapuche conflict and social prejudices portrayed through the friendship and solidarity of two teenagers.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
When non-binary Sarah and cis-jock Tom find themselves accidentally locked in a college bathroom overnight, their contrasting worldviews collide.

Guillen Project

Proyecto Guillén
Documentary Spain
A dedicated schoolteacher faces a daunting challenge: one of his elementary school students, Guillén, is diagnosed with cancer.


Drama, Fiction Argentina, Venezuela
A high school principal known for his unconventional ways investigates suspected drug use in rebellious Cata, only to uncover a deeper, untold narrative.

Hero Steps

Pasos de héroe
Fiction, Drama, Comedy Colombia
A heartrending drama about triumph in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity. If little Eduardo can follow his dreams, then surely there's hope for all of us.


Drama, Fiction Spain
The director of an institute tries to persuade a new pupil to remove her hijab but the young woman resists.

In the High School

En el instituto
Drama, Fiction Spain
In high school, Angel studies, learns, grows up and has fun.


Drama Brazil
Joana wants her period. Dudu wants his father. Verbena, who nobody invited, doesn't disclose what she wants.


Drama, Fiction, Classic Chile, Spain
Set in Santiago during the months leading up to Pinochet’s 1973 coup d’état, this modern classic tells the story of the unlikely friendship between two young boys from different backgrounds.

My Brothers Dream Awake

Mis hermanos sueñan despiertos
Drama, Fiction Chile
Ángel and his younger brother Franco have been incarcerated in a juvenile prison for a year. Despite the difficulties, they have formed a solid group of friends.

My Name is Gennet

Mi Nombre es Gennet
Drama, Fiction Spain
Based on a true story, this poignant and inspirational film follows the life of Gennet Corcuer, from her childhood in extreme poverty in Ethiopia to her achievement as the first Deaf-blind woman to obtain a university degree in Europe.

Present Tense, Ep. 05 - Education that Transforms

Educação que transforma
Documentary, Series Brazil
An insightful and educated exploration of Brazil at this stage and age.

Santo Domingo Waltz

Vals de Santo Domingo
Documentary Dominican Republic
An exploration of machismo culture through the eyes of the only three male ballet students in a class of 20 in the Dominican Republic.

Schools in Fight

Escolas em luta
Documentary Brazil
Schools in Fight follows the students as they fight for their right to an education. Through interviews and cameras inside the buildings, operated by the same students, the film throws light on a generation that dared to face that autocratic gesture of the State.

Shout at Me!

¿Me vas a gritar?
Documentary Mexico
Society's violence against women are a heavy burden that Melissa must lift everyday. When she gets in the ring, she’s the one answering back.

Solidarity Planet, Ep. 13 - Education

Documentary, Series Brazil
Solidarity economy as pedagogical praxis.

The Delights

Las Delicias
Documentary Argentina
More than 120 kids live in Las Delicias agrotechnical boarding school in the Argentine countryside. They will experience the end of their childhood and the beginning of their youth.

The Empty Classroom

El aula vacía
Documentary, Fiction Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, El Salvador
Creative director Gael García Bernal explores the underlying reasons behind the school dropout crisis in Latin America, from poverty to societal traditions.

The Expert

La eminencia
Documentary Spain
Everything is born with a riddle. A riddle with a very simple answer, but for many people the answer is not so obvious. Why?

The Female Teachers of the Republic

Las Maestras de la República
Documentary Spain
Winner of a Goya Award for Best Documentary, The Female Teachers of The Republic focuses on the role of women in advancing public education in the spirit of equality and democratic access to schooling during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939).

The Graduates, Part 1 - Girls

Documentary, Series United States
Follow Stephanie, a budding activist on the South Side of Chicago; Chastity, a Bronx teen whose family is homeless; and Darlene, a Tulsa student who reenters school after having a baby.

The Graduates, Part 2 - Boys

Documentary, Series United States
Follow Juan, a gay teen bullied until discovering dance; Eduardo, saved from a gang path by a college prep organization; and Gustavo, whose college dreams are blocked by his undocumented status.

The Intronauta

El intronauta
Animation Colombia
In a media-soaked world, EL finds solace in drawing. His city-born plant is erased by societal norms, prompting his transformation into El Intronauta.

The Orphan

O órfão
Drama, Fiction Brazil
Jonathas has been adopted, but it doesn't take long until he is returned because he is "different" from the other kids. Inspired by true events.

The Spark in the Meadow

La chispa en la pradera
Documentary Chile
Sofia Brito’s sexual harassment by a professor sparked a feminist movement in Chilean universities where students protested gender-based violence.

Urgent Love

Amor urgente
Comedy, Fiction, Romance Argentina
Fresh and endearing, Urgent Love uses highly original photography and exceptional artwork to create the playful world where Agustina and Pedro fall in love. Everything is intentionally exposed in this subtle, intelligent, and entertaining comedy that dares to be different.