7 Weeks

(7 semanas)
Constanza Figari | Drama, Fiction

2016 | 67 minutes | Chile

Based on true events, 7 Weeks touches upon the politics of pro-choice and the rights to one’s body that still generate heated discussions. A necessary film to open the conversation on the topic in an intelligent manner.


Camila is a young dance student. She has a committed boyfriend and supporting family, but when she discovers she is pregnant, all that love and encouragement become a burden. Her boyfriend is delighted and can’t wait to get married and start a family; while her family is already dreaming of nursery rooms. But has anybody asked her if she wants to become a mother? Camila will have to set other people’s expectations aside and make her own decision, no matter how difficult.

In her feature length directorial debut, young Chilean director Constanza Figari approaches one of the most controversial topics for women. Based on true events, 7 Weeks touches upon the politics of pro-choice and the rights to one’s body that still generate heated discussions. A necessary film to open the conversation on the topic in an intelligent manner.


"Despite the difficulty of discussing an issue like abortion, the film explores the world behind it, humanizing the women who are living through it and who so often are judged by a conservative society. It is a film to watch among friends, with a partner, with people against and in favor of abortion. It is a film that, at times, makes you laugh, but above all reflect about women rights." — Rocío Gabriela Chavez, Bitacora De Cine

"The film looks to reflect and discuss issues of abortion in a country where it is illegal under any circumstance, despite the fact that the government has introduced a bill to make it legal it in three different situations: rape, the unviability of the fetus, and risk to the mother's life." — EFE / The Clinic Online

"7 Weeks is not a film in favor of abortion, but a film that explores the complexity of the decision...It is the look at this invisible process what makes 7 Weeks a great addition to the dialogue and reflection on a reality that — beyond the morals and the law — happens every day and implicates us as a society, as a family, and above all, as individuals." — Antonella Estévez B., Cinechile

Main credits

Figari, Constanza (film director)
Carmona, Camilo (actor)
Croxato, Luz (actor)
Moreno, Paulina (actor)
Tejo, Constanza (screenwriter)

Other credits

Cinematography, Constanza Tejo; editor, Ignacia Matus; music, Milton Núñez.

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Valdivia Film Festival
Göteborg Film Festival
Buenos Aires Human Rights Film Festival
Costa Rica Human Rights Film Festival
Lima Film Festival
Los Andes Film Festival

DIRECTOR: Constanza Figari


YEAR: 2016

GENRE: Drama, Fiction


COLOR / B&W: Color

GRADE LEVEL: College, Adults



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