La Suprema

Felipe Holguín Caro | Drama, Fiction

2023 | 83 minutes | Colombia

When Laureana finds out that her uncle is fighting in a boxing world championship, she gets the whole town on board with watching it live on national television. The problem? The village has no electricity or a TV set.


Teeming with irrepressible energy, La Suprema takes us back to 2001 Colombia and to La Suprema, a tiny and remote village in the Caribbean region that is far from any beach and seemingly lost in time.

Laureana is a strong-willed teenager who’s not about to conform to what society or her abuela have in store for her. When she finds out via the newspaper that her estranged uncle is days away from fighting in a boxing world championship in Venezuela, she ignites a spark that will quickly get the whole town on board with watching the match live on national television. The problem? It may be the 21st century, but the village has no electricity and no one has a TV set.

Laureana enlists the help of Efraín (Antonio Jiménez), the local trainer who discovered her uncle years ago. After much hesitation, he agrees to follow her lead and set sail for the big city. All odds are against them, but they know this history-making moment might put their town on the map and it is worth giving it their all.

Director Felipe Holguín Caro’s moving film captures the vibrancy of the town’s inner life; the musicality of daily talk and chores being done by the river, time spent playing dominoes, and just kids being kids. Much more than a setting or background, La Suprema and its inhabitants embody the endearing — and enduring — qualities of collective effort, joy, and pain. (Diana Cavadid, Toronto International Film Festival)


“This is a film about Afro Latinos giving themselves another look, either through the mirror or a television that, in this case, they install in their shared village plaza.” – Paolo Kagaoan, IN THE SEATS

“La Suprema and its inhabitants embody the endearing — and enduring — qualities of collective effort, joys, and pain.” – Diana Cadavid, TORONTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL

“La Suprema finds beauty in the mundane. ” – Daniel Prinn, THE MOVIE BUFF

“A warm-hearted feel-good film, La Suprema is sure to bring a smile to the audience’s faces. ” – Rachel West, THAT SHELF

Main credits

Holguín Caro, Felipe (film director)
Holguín Caro, Felipe (screenwriter)
Sierra, Andy (screenwriter)
Gaviría del Castillo, María Teresa (film producer)
Martínez Negrete, Elizabeth (actor)
Jiménez, Antonio (actor)

Other credits

Cinematography, Mauricio Vidal; editing, Etienne Boussac; music, Manuel J. Gordillo.

La Suprema,Felipe Holguín Caro,Elizabeth Martínez,Antonio Jimenez,Pabla Florez,Ana Victoria Rodríguez,Juan José Jiménez,Moisés Ramírez,Miguel Angel Fontalvo,Domingo Zabaleta,Colombia,drama,comedy,teenager,teens,coming-of-age,Afro-Latin,rural life,boxing,dreams,friendship,community,village,town,women,woman,afro latin america,black latin america,afro latino,afro latinx,afro latina,black latino,black latinx,black latina,afro latin,afro-americanism,afro-brazilian,afro-cuban,afro-haitian,afro-colombian,afro-dominican,afro-mexican,afro-puertorican,afro-honduran,afro-bolivian,afro-argentinian,afro-chilean,afro-peruvian,afro-nicauraguan,afro-guatemalan,afro-caribbean,diaspora,slave trade,women,womanhood,gender,girl,girlhood,mother,motherhood,female,cis woman,cis female,trans woman,trans female,women’s rights,women’s issues,lady,ladies,gentlewoman,madame,miss,missus,mrs.,dame,damsel,ingenue,lass,maid,maiden,belle,gal,ladyfriend,girlfriend,dear,darling,widow,matron,dowager,gender,gender equality,gender pay gap,women’s liberation,women’s rights,child,children,childhood,kid,girl,girlhood,boy,boyhood,teen,teenager,puberty,adolescence,adolescent,coming-of-age,minor,kiddo,kids,juvenile,stripling,moppet,tyke,tween,tot,toddler,sonny,girlie,underaged,dependent,youngster,infancy,babyhood,girlhood,boyhood,friendships,juvenescence,juvenility,springtime,early life,economics,social class,money,capital,capitalism,class,economy,prejudice,intersectionality,inequality,poverty,income gap,wage gap,class warfare,elitism,snobbery,bourgeois,poverty,upper class,middle class,lower class,nouveau riche,culture,identity,identity politics,culture wars,left wing,right wing,intersectionality,identity groups,civilization,literacy,humanism,cancel culture,online culture,cultural revolution,cultural diffusion,culture shock,popular culture,pop culture,material culture,cultural capital,cultural assimilation ,sociology,anthropology,psychology,sociological,sociological perspectives,conflict theory,human conflicts,sociological thinking,conflict perspective,topics in sociology,sociology topics,sociology studies,social studies,people and cultures,human relations,human relationships,cultural studies,culture studies,south america,south american countries,countries in south america,argentina,bolivia,brazil,chile,colombia,ecuador,guyana,paraguay,peru,suriname,uruguay,venezuela,south american politics,south american culture,south american cuisine,south american education,south america in media,south american languages,south america history,latin american studies,caribbean american studies,island studies,latin american culture,latin american history,latin american politics, caribbean american culture,caribbean american history,caribbean american politics, latin american languages,latin american and caribbean studies,hispanic american studies,hispanic people,hispanic culture,hispanic politics"La Suprema"; Pragda Films
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Toronto International Film Festival; Fribourg International Film Festival -Ecumenical Jury Award Best International Feature Film; Miami Film Festival; Warsaw Film Festival; Rio de Janeiro Film Festival; Huelva Ibero-American Film Festival - Silver Colon Audience Award, Best Feature Film by Radio Exterior de España; La Habana Film Festival; Bulbul Children's International Film Festival, Goa; Cinelatino, Bergen International Film Festival; Chicago Latino Film Festival; Cartagena International Film Festival

DIRECTOR: Felipe Holguín Caro


YEAR: 2023

GENRE: Drama, Fiction


COLOR / B&W: Color

GRADE LEVEL: Middle School, High School, College, Adult



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