Browse Films


Drama, Fiction Ecuador, Mexico, Greece
A coming-of-age film that is both heart-rending and unsentimental, the film follows Alba as family and social circumstances force her to pave her way into adolescence.

The Apizaco Shaman

El brujo de Apizaco
Documentary Mexico
The stormy life of Mexican bullfighter Rodolfo Rodríguez González and his alter ego "THE PANA," who worked as a baker, gravedigger, and bundles loader before becoming a bullfighter.

The Awakening of the Youngsters

El despertar de los jóvenes
Documentary Peru, Spain
May 16, 2011: Democracy's romantic essence echoed in the streets of Spain. Past generations urge youth to embrace activism in times of crisis.

Ayahuasca: Expansion of Consciousness

Documentary Brazil
This is a comprehensive view of Ayahuasca use, blending scientific, religious, and anthropological perspectives with the director's personal healing journey.

The Birth

El nacimiento
Drama, Fiction Spain
A sterile worker who wishes to have a child must assist a young woman in labor who does not want to have the baby.

The Boss, Anatomy of a Crime

El patrón, radiografía de un crimen
Drama, Fiction, Thriller Argentina, Venezuela
Based on a true story, The Boss, Anatomy of a Crime is a neo-realistic portrait of the inhumane work environment, and the power imbalances existing between worker and employer.


Documentary Argentina
The daily life of Canela Grandi, a trans woman nearly 60 years old. Canela exposes a complicated and positive view of the reality of a minority that is almost invisible to many.


Drama, Fiction Brazil
Joao divides his time working as a crossdresser in gay bars and acting in small plays and onscreen. Tormented by his past, he starts to merge reality with the fiction he interprets.

The Cathedral

The Cathedral
Documentary Spain, Slovakia
After being expelled from a monastery, a Spanish monk dedicated 60 years to building a cathedral from discarded and recycled materials. Is he a madman or a genius?

Chronicle of the End of the World

Crónica del fin del mundo
Drama, Fiction Colombia
Disenchanted and skeptical about the world, a retired professor shut into his appartment for 20 years whittles away his days by systematically insulting and complaining over the phone to all who have ever offended him in the past.

City of the Dead

Ciudad de los muertos
Documentary Spain
By exploring the interactions of a group of cementery workers, we not only discover the unknown world of death, but also the personal stories of its inhabitants.

The Companion

El acompañante
Drama, Fiction, Thriller Cuba
Set in 1988 Cuba as the government dispatched HIV patients to AIDS centers under military rule, The Companion narrates the unlikely friendship between a boxing champion and a conflictive patient.

Cows Wearing Glasses

Las vacas con gafas
Drama, Fiction Puerto Rico
Directed by one of the most talented emerging filmmakers coming out of the new wave of Puerto Rican cinema, Cows Wearing Glasses uses a subtle sense of humor to touch upon issues of aging.

Crossing the Andes, Ep. 04 - Eternal Life

Vida eterna
Documentary, Series The Netherlands
The Vilcabamba valley in Ecuador is known for its healthy old people. Stef Biemans visits the valley of eternal life and investigates its nature.

The Crow’s Nest

Comedy, Drama, Fiction El Salvador
With a magnificent use of deadpan humor and charm, The Crow’s Nest depicts a unique and realistic vision of El Salvador, where evangelical churches, reverence for the concept of the American Dream, the local struggling economy, and violence are everyday experiences for its most vulnerable population.