Lucinda Urrusti. Painter

(Lucinda Urrusti. Pintora)
Juan Francisco Urrusti | Documentary

2020 | 90 minutes | Mexico, Spain

A portrait of Spanish painter Lucinda Urrusti, who was exiled to Mexico with her family in 1939 as refugees from the Spanish Civil War.


Born in 1926 in the Spanish Moroccan city of Melilla, painter Lucinda Urrusti arrived in Mexico in 1939 with her family as refugees from the Spanish Civil War. Produced and directed by her nephew, Juan Francisco Urrusti, this documentary is built around interviews conducted from 2012 to 2017, immersing us in the artistic universe of this artist whose work is still little known.

Urrusti was part of Mexico's Generación de la Ruptura, artists that broke from the dominant Mexican muralism of the early 20th century. Her work employs an informalist language between figuration and abstraction, with a strong element of technical experimentation. She is recognized as a portraitist of personalities from Mexican cultural and scientific life such as Carlos Fuentes, Octavio Paza, and Juan Rulfo.

Urrusti's work is also recognized in the literary sphere, including writer Jaime Moreno-Villarreal, art researcher Eduardo Espinosa-Campos, and artist Manuel Felguérez.


“Lucinda Urrusti, the paintbrush of the Spanish Republican exile who immortalized García Márquez. A documentary directed by her nephew, Juan Francisco Urrusti, recovers the life of the artist, privileged witness of the Mexican bohemia of the second half of the 20th century and portraitist of Carlos Fuentes, Octavio Paz or Juan Rulfo.” – Alejandro Santos Cid, El País (México)


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LeFIFA International Festival of Films on Art; On Art; Paris Art and Movie Awards; FilmArte Festival Berlin - Best Director; San Francisco Latino Film Festival; San Diego Latino Film Festival; WorldFest Houston - Special Jury Remi Award for Documentary Feature; Wales International Film Festival; Seattle Latino Film Festival; Festival de Cine Latino Americano Texas; Overcome Film Festival - Best Documentary Story in a Feature Film; The Continental Film Festival; Alternative Indie Pro Fest - Best Art Documentary; Indie Doc Pro Film Festival - Best Biographical Doc

DIRECTOR: Juan Francisco Urrusti

NATIONALITY: Mexico, Spain

YEAR: 2020

GENRE: Documentary


COLOR / B&W: Color

GRADE LEVEL: Middle School, High School, College, Adult



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