Browse Films

15M: Excellent. A Wake-Up Call. Important.
15M: Excelente. Revulsivo. Importante.
Documentary, Experimental
Tens of thousands of citizens occupied streets and squares in Spain, marking the beginning of the biggest social change in Spanish society. This planted the seed for Occupy Wall Street in the USA.

About Everything There Is to Know
De todas las cosas que se han de saber
Following the legacy of literary icon César Vallejo, the film explores the tensions between oral and written tradition, avant-garde literature, and popular culture.

Agave: The Spirit of a Nation
United States
An expressive documentary capturing the spirit of a nation and the people trying to protect it.

The Beach of the Enchaquirados
La playa de los Enchaquirados
Vicky balances her physically tough fishing work at sea with feminine elegance in her private life. Through her, we get to know a trans community that is part of a fishing village on the coast of Ecuador. Over time, do we learn to accept the other or, instead, do differences cloud our ability to see?

Beef Lovers, Ep. 01 - Take Care of My Cows
Cuida de mis vacas
Documentary, Series
The love and passion of farmers for their animals until the last day, the toughest of all.

Beef Lovers, Ep. 02 - Coming Out Of The Cavern
Saliendo de la caverna
Documentary, Series
A journey to the beginnings of humanity, the importance of meat in our evolution, the invention of fire and cooking.

Beef Lovers, Ep. 03 - The End Of The World
El fin del mundo
Documentary, Series
Is beef farming the cause of the end of our days? Climate change researchers, farmers, and veterinarians present an almost unknown perspective.

Beef Lovers, Ep. 04 - Animals
Documentary, Series
"They say there are no former rugby players, that you are always a rugby player."

Beef Lovers, Ep. 05 - Let Your Palate Speak
Deja que hable tu paladar
Documentary, Series
We will discover that there is life beyond the T-bone steak with Michelin-starred chefs and a group of cyclists who are experts in lunches.

Boca Chica
Drama, Fiction
Dominican Republic
An example of the brilliance of the new wave of Dominican cinema, Boca Chica exposes how local social norms present the sexualization of young girls as a path to survival.

Fiction, Drama
Paraguay, Mexico
Benjamin is having trouble adjusting to barbed wire work. Left by The Boss in a desolate spot, he and other workers feel that the Paraguayan Chaco is getting strange and tiring.

The Boss, Anatomy of a Crime
El patrón, radiografía de un crimen
Drama, Fiction, Thriller
Argentina, Venezuela
Based on a true story, The Boss, Anatomy of a Crime is a neo-realistic portrait of the inhumane work environment, and the power imbalances existing between worker and employer.

Brickmakers (Chircales)
Documentary, Classic
An essential and highly influential classic, Chircales is the product of two of the most prominent and rebellious voices of the New Latin American Cinema: Marta Rodríguez and Jorge Silva.

Burn Them
The order to burn books was only a warning of what thousands of men and women who resisted the prevailing dictatorship in Argentina would face.

Burning Night
Breve miragem de sol
Drama, Fiction
Brazil, France, Argentina
Along with the lonely cab driver Paulo, the night and Rio de Janeiro are the main protagonists of the new film by Eryk Rocha (awarded at Cannes'16 for Cinema Novo).